INTRODUCTION Second branch or organ of government. Used to designate all those officers of the government whose business is to execute. It is the pivot around which the actual administration of the state revolves and includes all officials.
USE OF TERM EXECUTIVE In narrow sense its refers only to the chief executive head of the state and his advisers and ministers. Britain- Queen+ Her ministers with prime minister India- President of the union+ ministers headed by the prime minister USA- President of America+ his secretaries
NATURE OF THE EXECUTIVE Real and Nominal Executive: Head of the government and Head of the state. Head of the state performs the ceremonial duties and area is limited. Head of the government performs all the real dutie. A executive And the executive.
Single and Plural Executive: Absolute Monarchy and dictatorship is the true example of single executive. Plural executive e.g. ancient Athens. Recent example Switzerland, Russia etc.
Parliamentary and Presidential types of Executive Hereditary and Elective Executives
MODE OF CHOICE OF THE EXECUTIVE Hereditary Principle Direct Popular Election Indirect Election Election by the Legislature Nominated Executive Term of office Re eligibility for office
ADMINSTRATIVE FUNCTIONS Implement policies and laws. Ensure effective and efficient administration Appoints secretaries and other top officials Coordinates the business of government Ensure mutual peace with other states International goodwill Treaty-making
FUNCTIONS OF EXECUTIVE Administrative Legislative Military Functions Foreign Relations Financial Functions Judicial functions
LEGISLATIVE FUNCTIONS Summon, adjourn and prorogue the session of parliament. Executive dissolves the popular house and order fresh elections Leadership to the legislature Veto/suspension veto/pocket veto Issuing ordinance
MILITARY FUNCTIONS Secure territorial integrity of the state Defence of the country and controls its military operations. Prosecution of war.
FOREIGN FUNCTIONS Maintaining relations with other countries
FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS Budgeting Meet their expenditure by taxing Audit
CIVIL SERVICES The real work of administration is done by the permanent members of the government. Functions of civil servants Advisory Implementation Prepares the outline of the bills Make rules and regulations on the basis of the bills passed by the parliament
CONCLUSION The executive powers differs in different forms of governance. The functions of the executives varies from one country to another, depending on the form of government.