Design and Communication Graphics DCG 6
Reflect on the skills Solving the Brief
Brief Throughout the ages man has always had a desire to record images of historical and personal significance. These depictions have progressed from early man’s cave drawings, to the structured Renaissance drawings and to the modern instant recording devices developed over the last century. The advent of the Polaroid camera in 1947 and the progression to the modern digital camera have allowed us to preserve personal memories and have become a unique part of our life and celebrations. Each camera has its own features which range from its physical shape and size, durability, viewing screen, optical zoom and range of available colours. You are asked to investigate the development in camera designs and suggest graphically modifications which you would make to an existing camera. Your investigation must include a design modification or incorporate a concept design. The study should be communicated through graphical means taking account of the requirements and guidelines below.
Reflection “A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration” Reflection must be structured and should be built into every stage of the design process. Structured reflection provides a framework with which to work through a problem considering influencing factors, and then using this information to explore alternative actions and their conclusions. Students should record some of the following as they progress through the assignment: Key dates on which decisions were made Key images (annotated) which influenced your design
Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare. Harriet Martineau Exploration of the brief Highlight/underline the key elements of the brief. These key elements should form the framework for your design process. Reflect
Analysis “Breaking an idea or problem down into its parts” Exploration of the brief Time line Cave Renaissance Camera Development of cameras Polaroid camera 1947- Modern digital camera
Camera Technology Reflect and bring together your initial thoughts Camera types: Digital 35mm film Physical/Size/Shape/Weight/Colour Camera Features: Optical zoom Viewing screen Flash Power unit Materials: Body Lens Develop the tactile senses
Research ” to investigate thoroughly” Polaroid camera 1947- Modern digital camera Internet research Images from newspapers/magazines Other sources?
Existing cameras in graphic form Assemble images of existing cameras within the given “Timeline” 1947-2007 When collecting images demonstrate an awareness of the differences between the various cameras.
Annotations” Remarks, notes, case summaries”
Reflect on the skills Solving the Brief
Camera specification
Compare “examine and note the similarities or differences” Select two camera types and illustrate/explain the main design features. Contrast “the act of distinguishing by comparing differences ”
Graphic illustration Explain/illustrate the manufacturers specification for each camera Size/Shape Colour Weight Flash type Film type Power unit
Compare/Contrast Design features Select a number of features and explore graphically the similarities/differences
Compare/Contrast Design features Annotation & Reflection
3D Sketch of One artefact Freehand Presentation quality Colour rendered