Colonial Rule
Colonialism control by one power over a dependent area or people a policy advocating or based on such control
Imperialism the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence
Types of colonial rule There were four principal ways in which European countries ruled their colonies. Each form varied on the colonising power , the objectives and the local situation.
Economic Companies The establishment of private companies- they were essentially granted large territories to administrate in Africa. The European powers provided charters for these companies; the companies took on the expenses of establishing and administering the colonies. A bonus for European countries; they had the influence but not the expense. British South Africa company emblem established in 1887 by Cecil Rhodes in South-central Africa.
Direct Rule There were centralised administrations. They encouraged assimilation; colonists were to « civilise » the indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples often occupied subordinate positions in governemnt. The divide and rule policy was used.
Indirect Rule/ Protectorates This system of governance used indigenous rulers within the colonial administration; however, they often had an inferior role. Viewed as a more cooperative model than direct rule.
Settler Rule Settlers imposed direct rule, often very harsh policies. The objective was to colonise with the objective of permanent settlement. Security and prosperity for the settlers depended on economic exploitation and political oppression of the indigenous peoples.