NATS ownership structure USS 49.9% British Airways 16.68% easyJet 13.18% Monarch Airlines 13.18% Virgin 2.04% Lufthansa 2.04% Thomson Airways 1.8% Thomas Cook 1.17% NATS ownership structure FY14/15:£922m c.4400
NATS Executive Martin Rolfe David Harrison Nigel Fotherby Chief Executive Officer Safety Director Finance Director Martin Rolfe David Harrison Nigel Fotherby Human Resources Director Communications Director Managing Director Services Gerry Skelton Simon Warr Catherine Mason General Counsel & Company Secretary Richard Churchill-Coleman
NATS Performance summary PPP year CP2 CP3 01/02 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Traffic (flight millions) 2.001 2.406 2.480 2.372 2.172 2.116 2.167 2.126 2.162 2,185 Safety Significant Event (SSE) - 807 664 568 411 395 315 285 309 248 Risk Analysis Tool (RAT methodology) Delay seconds NERL attributable 109.4 22.6 26.8 19.3 4.3 7.3 1.4 5.5 2.4 Financial Pre-tax profit (loss) £m (79.9) 94.4 66.7 135.5 78.3 106.1 194.5 160.8 157.5 200.3 Fuel enabled savings (tonnes) 6,000 3,000 25,000 16,000 41,000 35,000 21,000 189,000 Headcount (Average) 5,652 5,157 5,158 5,084 4,920 4,652 4,533 4,562 4,519 c.4400 NATS PRIVATE Safety During financial year 2014/15, a total of 248 weighted SSE points were scored. This represents the best FY performance since the introduction of the SSE scheme in 2006 and a 20% reduction compared to FY13/14. Furthermore, this represents a 37% reduction compared to FY10/11 (the end of CP2). Note: these numbers will differ from those previously reported in the 2014 Annual Safety Report, which is based on a Calendar Year. Delay Our high safety standards were maintained and our attributable average ATFM delay1 was 1.4 seconds per flight (2012: 7.3 seconds). This is about 4% of the equivalent European average (2012: 11%) in a year when we faced the challenge of London hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
Cruise to Cruise - NATS accompanies aircraft at every step of their journey En-route Inbound En-route Outbound Descent & Transition Climb Final Approach Take-off Taxi & Turnaround ATC Tower Services
UK 24
NATS Airspace En-route locations… The UK airspace is divided into two Flight Information Regions (FIRs) Prestwick Centre also provides air traffic services across the North Atlantic Our operations are consolidated at just 2 main locations (previously 4 centres) NATS PRIVATE
NATS Airspace …and our airspace Europe’s Flight Information Regions
Functional Airspace Blocks NATS Airspace Functional Airspace Blocks
Services business at a glance NATS Services Services business at a glance NATS Services is organised into five distinct service lines each with its own unique products and services:
NATS Services NATS Airports Each UK airport chooses who supplies its ATC services. NATS Services has secured commercial contracts to provide air traffic services at 15 major UK airports, Gibraltar and through ferroNATS, a joint venture with Ferroser for 9 airports in Spain.
Air traffic movements for top airports NATS Services Air traffic movements for top airports NATS Services provides ATC at the World’s busiest single and dual runway for ATMs. It also provides airport ATC at six of the busiest 15 single runway civil airports in the world for ATMs
Our vision – to be the global leader – our strategy to achieve this; achieved by defending the business we have, enabling growth and growing the business through innovation. the company business is divided into 6 service lines Driven by customer needs We aim to accelerate through £1B turnover by 2015
Our international business NATS Services Our international business Europe We are working in our domestic UK market and with European customers to improve the efficiency of trans-European air traffic and apply common EU standards. UK Spain Romania Norway Belgium Turkey Gibraltar Asia Pacific NATS is supporting the exponential growth of air travel in the Asia Pacific region, helping to ensure this expansion takes place in a planned and sustainable manner. Hong Kong Singapore Australia India Middle East NATS is embedded in the Middle East region, supporting its growing role as a global aviation cross- roads. Qatar Kuwait Oman Saudi Arabia North America Sharing best practices with our North American partners is a key enabler to advancing global air traffic management. USA