Group Lab Report By: Sorin Kalashian Emily Levine Ryan Leitner Nina Franco Sri Srinivasan Sorin💝/All (everyone reads their name)
Question What is the effect of the amount of Alka-seltzer on the distance the cap will travel? Sri
Hypothesis If we increase the amount of Alka-seltzer then the cap will travel farther because the force of the Alka-seltzer will push the cap. The more Alka-seltzer the more force there is to push the cap so it will travel farther. nina
Controlled Variables (The variables that do NOT change) The amount of water The temperature of the water The weight of the cap The placement of the launcher The angle of the launcher Ryan
Manipulated Variable/Independent Variable The amount of Alka-seltzer Sorin💝
Responding Variable/Dependent Variable (The variable that is measured) The distance the cap travels Sri
Pictures Film canister Cap Launcher Water Syringe Alka- Seltzer Emily Syringe Alka- Seltzer Measuring Tape
Materials Water Alka-seltzer Launcher Film canister Film cap Syringe Measuring tape Data Table nina
Procedure Gather launcher, syringe, Alka-seltzer, water, measuring tape, and film canister with cap Select a spot to place launcher mark the spot with tape Place film canister in the launcher, tighten the film canister in launcher enough that it will not fall out but not enough to make a hole in the canister Using syringe take 20 ml of water and squeeze in canister Take a full Alka-seltzer and brake evenly in half Holding the Alka-seltzer you just broke and the cap quickly put the half an Alka-seltzer in the water and shove on cap Wait for cap to launch then measure the distance it traveled and mark it on a data table Clean experiment up Repeat steps 3-8 tw0 times with the launcher in the same spot you marked with tape 10. Repeat steps 3-4 Sorin💝
Procedure 19. Repeat steps 3-4 20. While holding two Alka-seltzer along with the cap quickly put the two Alka-seltzer tablets in the water and shove on cap 21. Repeat steps 7-8 22. Repeat steps 19-21 with the launcher in the same spot twice 23. Compare data from all the different experiments Emily/Ryan
Data Table: How Alka-seltzer Affected the Distance Responding Variable: Distance the Cap Traveled Manipulated Variable: Amount of Alka-seltzer Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average ½ tablet 505 cm 417 cm 531 cm 484 cm 1 tablet 529 cm 544 cm 613 cm 568 cm 1 ½ tablet 603 cm 450 cm 606 cm 553 cm 2 tablets 521 cm 462 cm 535 cm 506 cm Nina
Graph Emily
Conclusion/Results Based on our results, we concluded that when we put in 1 tablet of Alka-seltzer the cap goes the farthest. We found that if you only use ½ of the alka-seltzer tablet there is not enough pressure to push the cap, but if you use 1 ½ or 2 tablets of Alka-seltzer there is too much Alka-seltzer and not enough water. sorin
Additional Questions Why does the Alka-seltzer launch the cap? 2. What chemicals does the Alka-seltzer have in it that make it fizz up? 3. Why does the cap travel a different length each time you do the experiment with the same amount of Alka-seltzer? Ryan
Glossary Hypothesis - Educated guess Variable - Factor that may change or stay the same Controlled - Managed Manipulated - Changed Dependent - Measured Responding - Measured Materials - Things being used Procedure - Steps or order of what to do Ryan
Photos Sri