Biotechnology EOC review
Biotechnology video =jLZshifnyT4 Review activities/animations:
DNA Technology Today, DNA techniques include: 1) DNA Extraction – the opening of cells to separate/isolate DNA from other cell parts 2) Cutting DNA – large DNA molecules are cut into smaller fragments using restriction enzymes. These enzymes recognize and cut DNA at specific sequences. 3) Separating DNA – DNA fragments can be separated and analyzed using gel electrophoresis. This process allows scientists to compare genomes of different organisms, separate genes, and create DNA “fingerprints 4) Sequencing DNA – this process allows scientists to determine the sequence of N-bases in DNA. 5) Recombinant DNA – scientists can cut DNA from two sources with the same restriction enzyme and combine them. This is used in genetic engineering. This process has been used to create human proteins used to treat disease, create pest-resistant crops, and for many other purposes. 6) Copying DNA – polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed that makes many copies of a small amount of DNA.
Vocab review game
Term: transgenic organism Term: clone Definition: Contains DNA from another source Definition: Genetically identical copies
Term: human genome project Term: gene Term: human genome project Definition: Fragment of DNA that codes for a specific protein or trait Definition: International effort to sequence and locate every gene on human DNA
Term: embryonic stem cell Term: restriction enzymes Definition: Completely unspecialized cell; can become any type of cell Definition: Used to cut DNA at specific nucleotide sequences
Term: bacterial transformation Term: gel electrophoresis Definition: When a bacterial cell takes in extra DNA and expresses the traits that are coded on it Definition: Procedure used to separate DNA fragments based on size
Term: biotechnology Term: recombinant DNA Definition: Application of genetic engineering Definition: DNA from two different sources
Term: cell differentiation Term: genome Definition: Process of creating a specialized cell by activating only certain parts of the DNA Definition: Total number of genes in an individual
Term: somatic stem cell Term: gene therapy Term: somatic stem cell Definition: Inserting a “good” gene to replace a “bad” one Definition: Cell that has started the process of differentiation but can become many types of cells similar to the organ from which it was taken
Term: DNA fingerprint or DNA profile Term: plasmid Definition: Circular piece of DNA found in bacterial; used in recombinant DNA procedures Definition: Produced using gel electrophoresis; used to identify individuals
DNA fingerprinting Gel electrophoresis crime scene blood analyzed to determine if a suspect did the offense
Practice EOC questions
Which of the potential suspects is most likely the robber? 3 The DNA profiles of five people potentially involved in a robbery are shown below. The profile on the left was obtained from DNA belonging to the robber. The four other profiles were obtained from the suspects. Which of the potential suspects is most likely the robber? 3
Similarities between organisms allow scientists to transfer portions of DNA from one organism to another. The human insulin gene is placed into a bacterial plasmid and the bacteria synthesize this hormone. Which of the following best describes this process and its advantages? A. Selective breeding; expensive and slow B. Gene therapy; inexpensive and profitable C. Bacterial transformation; inexpensive and efficient D. Gel electrophoresis; inexpensive and profitable
During a murder trial, criminal forensic prosecutors used DNA technology to match seed pods found in the suspects pickup truck to one specific tree growing near the victims unmarked grave. Which technique did prosecutors most likely use to conclusively link the suspect to the victim? Transgenic plants have DNA from another organism inserted into its genome. What is one main benefit of using transgenic plants in crop production? What is one benefit of genetically engineered plants?
Bacterial transformation Bacterial plasmid Gene Therapy Vocabulary Restriction enzymes Bacterial transformation Bacterial plasmid Gene Therapy Severe combined immunodeficiency Clone Transgenic organisms DNA fingerprinting Gel electrophoresis Essential Questions How is DNA fingerprinting useful in today’s society? Summarize the steps of bacterial transformation. Defend the uses of biotechnology. List some applications of transgenic organism in agriculture and industry.