Some Things Are Personal And ought to be kept that way! Personal: A private matter Not of common knowledge
Problems Medical Financial Work Sin
Passages That Make A Distinction Public Gal. 2:11-14 1 Cor. 5 Private Matt. 18:15-17 Luke 17:1-4
Seeing That Distinction Makes solving personal matters easier Prevents weaker from being influenced Keeps the church from being distracted
Focal Point: Two Passages Matthew 18:15-17 Luke 17:1-4
I. Sin Private Sin - Matt. 18 Private Sin - Luke 17 “Against you” (v. 15) Private interview says sin was private Peter asks about “against me” (v. 21) Private Sin - Luke 17 “Against you” Returns to “you” saying...
Times that sin is personal (private) something that is between the Point: Lessons: 1. The more private matters are kept private matters the less public trouble we will have 2. Public matters are not to be treated as private matters. Times that sin is personal (private) something that is between the two parties and God
II. Rebuke Primary Approach - (1st Step) Offended to offender Tell him his sin (definite; not hurt feelings) Purpose (gain him) Attempt to keep private matter private Secondary Approach - (2nd Step) Others with you Causes offender to ask: “is it that serious?” “Final” Approach - (3rd Step)
III. Forgiveness Effort to Correct - Willing to Forgive Qualities Needed to Forgive Patience (Matt. 18:26) Compassion (Matt. 18:27, 33) Sincerity (Matt. 18:35) Faith (Lk. 17:5) Conditional - “if repents” (Lk. 17:3) Give Benefit of Doubt (Lk. 17:4) “saying I repent”
Some Things Are Personal I. Sin II. Rebuke III. Forgiveness