Logic and Critical Thinking as Basis of Scientific Method and rationality as well as Problem solving 13th Meeting
Science Scientia means knowledge Science means systematic knowledge Exact Science Social Science
Comparison of Scientific and non sicientific Non scientific Based on reasoning Spontaneous and intuitive Indirect statement Direct statement Logic habitual
Scientific Method Scientific Method is a procedure including thinking, work pattern, and steps to get and to improve knowledge.
Explanation Explanation is a group of statements or story from which the things to be explained. It can logically be infered and whose acceptance removes or diminishes its problematic or puzzling character
5 criteria in judging hypothese Relevance Testability Compatibility with previously well established hypothesis Predictive or explanotory power simplicity
Pattern of scientific investigation Problem Preliminary hypotheses Collecting additional facts Formulating the hypotheses Deducing further consequences Testing the consequences applications
Basis for problem solving Inductive logic will be very useful to analyze the most probable cause of incident Deductive logic will be useful for the application of theory into the consequence as a conclusion
Notes before final Exam Materials of final Exams are from fallacy to Logic as the basis of knowledge and problem solving Reformulation or translation of argument in ordinary language into standard form of categorical syllogism in deductive argument Usage of agreement method, different method, joint method of agreement in cases Critical Thinking: students are able to make critical comments on arguments