Biological Sciences Humanities Social Sciences Anthropology
Major Fields of Anthropology Biological Cultural Linguistic Archaeology Applied
Introduction to Biological Anthropology The study of human biological adaptation, variation, and evolution
Genetics The study of gene structure and action, and the patterns of inheritance of traits Helps us to understand how variation occurs
Primatology Study of non-human primates PRIMATES = large-brained mammals with 3-D color vision and grasping hands. helps us to understand the anatomical and behavioral adaptations of early ancestors
Osteology The study of the structure, function, and evolution of the skeleton Anatomy tells us about behavior, interaction with environment
Forensic Anthropology Analysis of skeletal remains for medical and legal purposes Identification of remains from crime scenes Time of death, age, sex, ancestry of skeleton Helps reconstruct individuals and populations
The Scientific Method of Problem Solving Begins with a question about the natural world. Based on use of our senses, or instruments/tools that extend our senses to gather information about world. Aim is to develop answers or improve explanations for observations or events in the natural world.
Basic steps of the scientific method State the problem. Gather information about the problem (research). Form a hypothesis (an educated guess). Test the hypothesis. Draw conclusions.
The nature of scientific explanations Based on empirical observations & experiments Empirical = based on experience Reliable but tentative and subject to modification Explanations tested against observations & those that fail the test are rejected or modified Subject to peer review & replication Attempts to identify alternative explanations & to replicate observations & experiments Limited (by tools, technology, information available at any given time)
THEORY An explanation that makes sense of some aspect of nature, supported by evidence that has been tested or validated. Can always be modified or replaced if new evidence warrants it. Theories doe not “prove,” they merely EXPLAIN. (Because facts can always change)
FACT Something that everyone can see, feel, hear, taste, observe and agree on. Can be empirically validated. Can change.
LAW or PRINCIPLE A description of natural phenomena that generally does not vary Example: Law of Gravity Principles of Inheritance