Action strengths State values Prediction error
1 2 3 4
Extension 1: Support for representing option identifiers
White & Wise, Exp Br Res, 1999 (See also: Assad, Rainer & Miller, 2000; Bunge, 2004; Hoshi, Shima & Tanji, 1998; Johnston & Everling, 2006; Wallis, Anderson & Miller, 2001; White, 1999…)
Miller & Cohen, Ann. Rev. Neurosci, 2001
From Curtis & D’Esposito, TICS, 2003, after Funahashi et al. , J From Curtis & D’Esposito, TICS, 2003, after Funahashi et al., J. Neurophysiol,1989.
Fuster, Neuron, 2001
Extension 2: Option-specific policies
Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001
O’Reilly & Frank, Neural Computation, 2006
Aldridge & Berridge, J Neurosci, 1998
Extension 3: Option-specific state values
Kringelbach, Nature Rev Neurosci, 2005
Padoa-Schioppa & Assad, Nature, 2006
Schoenbaum, et al. J Neurosci. 1999 See also: O’Doherty, Critchley, Deichmann, Dolan, 2003
Extension 4: Temporal scope of the prediction error
Schoenbaum, Roesch & Stalnaker, TICS, 2006
Roesch, Taylor & Schoenbaum, Neuron, 2006
Daw, NIPS, 2003
--- objectives/overview -- actor-critic as link to brain -- HRL implementation in actor-critic -- opportunity to further introduce hrl and brain… -- apologies to both 1/2s of the audience (for covering stuff each learned in 1st year grad school)
--- Overview of actor critic -- main putative neural correlates -- then talk about 4 changes demanded by HRL -- 1. option rep’n -- 2. (actor) option-specific policies (and selection of options) -- 3 (critic) option-specific value functions -- 4 (critic) change in scope of prediction error …then move on to neural correlates… “selective activity in OFC did not consistently represent the identity of particular odors, the motivational characteristics of the associated reinforcer, or preparation for the motoric response. Instead it would appear that the selective activity in OFC during accurate performance represents the integration of information regarding the significance of a particular cue (or cues) with subsequent behavior.”
Additional questions: --Hierarchical representations in PFC? -- Origins of options (subgoals)? -- Purposive vs. habit?