B.R.A.R.S. Echolink Education Sunday, January 17, 2010
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society In Scope What is Echolink? How does it Work? Do we need it? Do we want it? 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Out of Scope How do I setup Echolink? What hardware should I use? How do I get an Echolink license? These questions and many like them are answered many times over with documents easily found on the internet. 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society What is Echolink? 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society How Does it Work? Three ways to communicate Computers Only Radios and Computers Radios, Repeater and Computers 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Computers Only In the computers only mode of utilization two Amateur Radio computer users are able to communicate directly without the aid of any radio gear as shown on the following slide. 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Computers Only In it’s simplest form, Echolink allows two computer users communication via a technology called Voice over IP through the Internet. No RF is generated in this mode Internet VoIP Bill (W1ABC) in Australia Built in Microphone and Speakers on both Computers Sally (AB4CD) at Myrtle Beach SC 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Radios and Computers Mode of utilization permitting Amateur Radio operators communication via the internet over great distances without any RF output Operators are free from the confines of the computer with RF output This offers a degree of freedom permitting operator mobility with only a hand held or mobile unit as shown on the following slide 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Radio’s and Computers Hard Wired Internet VoIP 4 3 VoIP 1 RF 2 VoIP 5 RF is generated in this mode Built in Microphone and Speakers on Computer 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Radios, Repeater and Computers Mode of utilization permits unlimited numbers of Amateur Radio operators communication via the internet over great distances All operators achieve freedom from the computer enabling them to move about at their local QTH with only a hand held, mobile or base RF output 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Radios, Repeater and Computers RF 2 Internet 5 RF RF is generated in this mode VoIP 1 Hard Wired 3 VoIP 6 4 Built in Microphone and Speakers on Computer 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Example Use Case 1 W5WJC to W4DJW via Internet to 146.61 Repeater via RF Output to W5MFC in TR via RF Output 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Example Use Case 2 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Abuse of Technology? What about abuse? We have cases of abuse today with the pure RF solution. Operators using amplifier and beams will sometimes over shoot their target and bring up our repeater unknowingly People Ker-chunking the repeater just to test their equipment Background music (knowing or unknowing) sometimes makes its way to RF and comes out on the repeater Malicious interference Will this type of abuse change or increase? The operators on Echolink are the same operators using repeaters. These operators had to prove their license status with the FCC before they were granted an Echolink activation code. Non HAMs are not allowed to operate Echolink. We will see the same level of intentional and unintentional abuse because the operators are all Radio Amateurs. The major difference here is that we don’t have to hunt them down to block them out. Within Echolink there is an option to block out operators that willfully disrespect the rules we all abide by. 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
The Radio Amateur’s Code The Radio Amateur is: CONSIDERATE Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others LOYAL Offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally PROGRESSIVE With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach FRIENDLY Slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit BALANCED Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community PATRIOTIC Station and skill always ready for service to country and community --The original Amateur's Code was written by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA, in 1928. 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Do we Need Echolink? No, Echolink simply enables 2 meter capabilities over longer distances similar to: A Repeater on a Mountain Top Stacked Beam Antennas HF/VHF/UHF RF Amplifiers Seeking Higher Ground on Foot (QRP) Cross band Repeating Radios 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Do we Want Echolink? Do we: Have Repeaters on Mountain Tops? Have Stacked Beam Antennas? Have HF/VHF/UHF RF Amplifiers? Seek Higher Ground on Foot (QRP)? Cross band Repeat with our Radios? 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Conclusion Echolink is simply another technology we choose to use to enhance our capabilities similar to our usage of the pre-existing technologies Echolink users require the same level of respect as any other technology used by any other user of the RF spectrum 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Reference Material Read the Echolink Operating Guidelines Take the tour Echolink Tour Feel free to use it. A code is not required Check out the Node Status Page for nodes and locations Check out the Link Nodes links status Nearby nodes Local Nodes View the BRARS QSO Log View the BRARS Call Log 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society
BRARS.ORG Web Site Navigation Finding more Echolink Information 11/12/2018 Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society