Welcome to Working Together: Building an Effective Paraeducator-Teacher Teams!. The webinar will begin @ 8:00 p.m., (EST) Webinar Ground Rules… Phone lines will be muted during the meeting/webinar. Use Chat to submit questions while the presenters are sharing OR press *3 to ask a question Live Download materials on links below to follow along with templates during presentation Thank you for your professionalism and patience with the virtual meeting process!
Working Together: Building an Effective Paraeducator-Teacher Team
Welcome! NEA Education Support Professional (ESP) Quality Department NEA Teacher Quality Department
This Evening’s Presenters: Wendy Brouillard, Paraeducator & Martha Santa Maria, NBCT Middlebury Union Middle School Middlebury, VT
Strategy 1: Shared Understanding of Why We Must Be a Winning Team ...Supporting and Empowering ALL Students
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Strategy 1: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The whole student approach is a holistic approach that looks at the foundational physiological, social and emotional needs of the whole student. There are multiple causal pathways to student success and they do not always begin in the classroom. While a strong foundation in reading, writing, math and other core subjects are crucial – alone they are still insufficient. Preparing our students for the future – career, further education and citizenship – requires looking at health, safety and character first. This is ABRAHAM MASLOW’s hierarchy of needs and I suspect many of you are familiar with this. So, Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who didn’t want to look at a person as a bag of symptoms but a more holistic approach instead. His hierarchy of needs tells us that if lower level needs are not met, they will always eclipse higher level needs. You cannot climb the pyramid to higher level growth needs, until the basic level needs are met first. For schools and communities to support the whole child, they must meet the basic needs of health, safety and security before they can address more complex activities. The hierarchy of needs provides an order through which both schools and communities can consider their policies and practices. His hierarchy of needs are separated into five motivational needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. This five stage model can be divided into basic (or deficiency) needs (e.g. physiological, safety, love, and esteem) and growth needs (self-actualization). Maslow arranged his needs into a hierarchy to illustrate the foundational requirement of one need in order to successfully strive and obtain the next. Human needs arrange themselves in hierarchies where the appearance of one need usually rests on the prior satisfaction of another, more potent need. Physiological needs such as food and shelter are more of a fundamental need than Safety. And Safety is more of a fundamental need than Love and Belonging, and Esteem. Yet all are required before one can develop and grow Self-Actualization. One is predisposed upon the formation of the other.
Strategy 1: Whole Child Tenets So these are the 5 whole student tenets or principles that guide how to meet the needs of the whole student. NEA ESPQ adopted these tenets from ASCD b/c they perfectly describe what ESP do in side and outside of the classroom. These tenets directly reflect Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The 5 tenets are: HEALTHY, SAFE, ENGAGED, SUPPORTED, and CHALLENGED. Each student enters school healthy and learns about and practices a healthy lifestyle. Each student learns in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults. Each student is actively engaged in learning and is connected to the school and broader community. Each student has access to personalized learning and is supported by qualified, caring adults. Each student is challenged academically and prepared for success in college or further study and for employment and participation in a global environment. If the child is not healthy, then how can that child be expected to be engaged or challenged in classroom activities? If the child does not feel physically or emotionally safe, then how can that child truly be expected to think freely, collaborate with others, and explore their boundaries? A student cannot learn unless they are HEALTHY AND SAFE and more likely to learn if they are ENGAGED, SUPPORTED, and CHALLENGED.
Strategy 2: Clarity of Roles & Responsibilities
Strategy 3: Positive Spirit of Inquiry
Strategy 4: A United Front
Strategy 5: Respectful Communication & Problem Solving
Strategy 6: Organizational Tips & Tools
Additional Resources NEA Teacher Quality: http://www.nea.org/teacherquality NEA ESP Quality: http://www.nea.org/home/1604.htm Paraeducator Institute: http://nea.org/pi @NEArESPect facebook.com/groups/NEAESP SupportEd: http://supported.nea.org/ Online Learning: http://learn.nea.org/ Micro-credentials: http://nea.certificationbank.com/ edCommunities: https://www.mynea360.org/
Wendy Brouillard - wbrouillard@acsdvt.org Martha Santa Maria – msantamaria@acsdvt.org Jennie Young – jyoung@nea.org