GLAST Large Area Telescope: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope: LAT System Engineering Pat Hascall SLAC System Engineering Manager 650-926-4266
Topics Meeting goals Review status of Performance and Operations Test Plan Team Goals Define test requirements necessary through December Tracker and Cal post delivery tests Cal tests post integration with TEM and TEM/PS Tower integration tests Multi tower tests (without ‘final’ flight software) Third layer boxes tests as necessary Testing with next delivery of flight software, all third layer boxes and ACD will be defined in the next phases
Performance and Operations Test Plan Status Plan is drafted through the two target test with the following liens TEM/TEM PS tests not defined Calorimeter tests identified, but text definition not available Tracker tests updated with ‘latest’ info, but the Tracker Test Plan is not final Two tower test definition still in work Interface tests will be called out, but the detailed approach is currently under lively debate Trigger and Data Flow tests Some questions about the trigger testing called out Details of data collection series not yet included
TEM/TEM PS Tests Per discussions with Gunther, the TEM/TEM PS combined tests are: Verify general functionality Verify ability to communicate with CAL and Tracker Verify thermistor performance Measure output voltages and check voltage telemetry at nominal settings and at low and high settings current procedure covers EGSE adjustable voltages as well as bias voltages The tests may be done with voltage variations and clock variations This test uses specific EGSE
Cal and Tracker Test Status Tests have been changed to match the test list instead of the script list Still need final test definitions Tracker Tests have been updated to use latest approach Tower level test calls out tray level tests Numbering convention changes Tray level tests prefixed with TSL instead of TE Still a few tests under consideration that may be added