Priznavanje neformalnega in priložnostnega učenja Andragoški kolokvij, Ljubljana, 12. decembra 2007
Vloga CPI pri OECD aktivnosti - 1 Priprava in vodenje projekta za leti 2006 in 2007 Priprava dveh (izmed 5) komponent Nacionalnega poročila Koordinacija priprave celotnega nacionalnega poročila (CBR) v slovenskem jeziku in angleškem – ureditev in priprava za objavo Elaboration of occupational standards CPI prepares occupational standards in cooperation with social partners and they represent a link between professions on the labour market ands educational programmes. They are obligatory basis for every educational programme in VET. Occupational standard is an instrument for comparing the learning outcomes with the employer’s needs. They are the fundamental instrument for ensuring relevancy, transparency and quality of learning outcomes. Development of educational programmes in VET On the basis of the national strategic documents, european trends and modern vocational pedagogy we prepare methodologies and professional guidlines for VET in Slovenia. Our main developmental fields at the moment are planning of the curricula, quality assurance in VET, development of the national qualification framework. We cooperate with schools in projects of modernization of curricula on different professional fields. Connecting system of validation of non-formal learning with formal education Slovenia’s National Vocational Qualifications Act enables individuals with working experiewnce and without any formal certificates to gaing a nationally recognised certificate through assessnment and recognition procedures to prove they are competent to perform in a certain profession. At the same time it is important to connect validation of non-formal learning with acquiring education and thus enable a quicker and more flexible ways of learning for adults. In service teacher training development and organizing of teacher training is a horizontal activity aiming to support the implementation of novelties in the VET developed by professional teams in CPI Preparation of textbooks/training materials With the financial aid of Ministry of Education and European Social Fond, CPI coordinates and cofinances the preparation of new teaching materials (textbooks, workbooks, e-materials) for VET educational programmes. In this field, we have a lot of work to do because we don't have enough textbooks to cover all the professional fields. We are facing also the challenges of new technologies with modern interactive ways of teaching and learning. Refference point for international and national networks CPI is a centre where different international networks CONNECT. One is National Refference Point for qualifications where all documents that build the system of assessment and recognition of non-formal knowlege can be found. At the moment 3 data bases exist: occupational standards, catalogues of knowledge, skills and competences and assessment agencies. 3 additional bases are in the finnishing stages: base of assessors,base of all the NVQ certificates awarded and base of regulated occupations. CPI is a member of Teacher Training Network, CPI is an information point for REFERNET in Slovenia and is a national information point for EUROPASS Evaluation of VET programmes One of the main tasks of CPI is Quality assessment and assurance as part of a broader mission to give support to development of vocational education and training and lifelong learning. The process itself has two roles, one is to monitor the quality of educational programmes, its curriculum design and its implementation on systemic level, the other is mode responsive and oriented towards schools, it aims to provide feedback information and counseling to schools and teachers. Our evaluation is systematic process of gathering information about implementation of new educational programs or its parts aiming at continuous problem solving in concrete educational practice. “ Coordinator for project: Improving the attractiveness of VET The project intends to build on a national strategy for career orientation which will be prepared on te basis of european recommendations. Basic goals for the 2007-2013 are mainly to improve attractiveness of occupations and education and training for them, to improve knowledge about occupations and cast away some prejudice about the VET, to promote new occupations.
Vloga CPI pri OECD aktivnosti - 2 Organizacija aktivnosti: Organizacija štirih sej Nadzornega odbora Udeležba na treh sestankih OECD Preučitev vsebine potrebnih baz podatkov Decentralisation of VET system In reaching our goal to modernize the institutions in the VET field we need to strenghten the autonomy of schools in two ways: on one side the programmes on the national level have to be more flexible and work like a framework or a standard and schools have to adjust the curriculum to the national standard and to the needs of the local industry on the other side also the financing of the schools will change ands give more autonomy to the local community and also to the school management. Development of modular structured and outcome oriented programmes Modular structured programmes will enable to form an open and flexible curriculum with compulsory and optional modules which can be also adjusted to the regional needs. A very important task in this development is also to improve the integration of theory and practice in the process of education. Improving the involvement of the social partners With the changing legislation in the field of employers’ organizations CPI has to form a strong link between schools and new emerging employers’ organizations and other professional associatons and also directly with companies. VET programmes have to be up to date with the latest trends and technologies and a strong connection with the social partners is the only way of ensuring relevancy, transparency and quality of learning outcomes. Attracting students for VET VET is facing a big challenge in the next years not only to prevent drop out from schools but also to attract new students in initial vocational education and more important to stimulate adults to return to vocational education to improve their skills or gain new skills that could help them to be long-term employable. Modernisation of initial and in-service teacher/trainer training CPI will cooperate with the faculties which educate future teachers in modernization of their programmes in accordance with the bologna process. Our main role on the national level is transforming from formulating new programmes into the training and helping teachers to adjust to the new trends in VET. Implementation of system of recognition and assessment of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences In this field our priority for the near future is to improve the knowledge about the system among the employers and also trade unions. Connected with that we need to integrate the NVQs into the collective agreements of different sectors of industry and service and with that NVQs will get a value for the employees. At the same time it is important to connect validation of non-formal learning with acquiring education and thus enable a quicker and more flexible ways of learning for adults. Quality assurance in systems of formal and non-formal learning Both systems need to develop a constant process of Quality assessment and assurance. One part of it is assessment of the processes and results done in a sistematic and methodological way and second part is developing a systematic way of self-evaluation for schools and other training institutions. Development of NQF Ni nikogar, ki bi mi lahko kaj povedal o tem. Drugi teden pride Bojana in jo bom prosila za dva stavka.
Vloga CPI pri OECD aktivnosti - 3 Priprave programa in izvedba obiska strokovne skupine OECD – glavne aktivnosti: Predstavitev Nacionalnega poročila Vloga ministrstev in drugih partnerjev pri razvoju sistema NPK Prenova sistema poklicnega izobraževanja ter povezava izobraževalnega s certifikatnim sistemom Elementi priznavanja neformalnega učenja v visokošolskem izobraževanju
Vloga CPI pri OECD aktivnosti - nadaljevanje Srečanje s predstavniki delodajalcev in delojemalcev s področja gradbeništva in socialne oskrbe Razprava o vlogi delodajalcev in sindikatov pri razvoju konkretnih NPK in uveljavljanju le-teh v praksi Sestanek Nadzornaga odbora in predstavitev preliminarnih ugotovitev
PRIMER DOBRE PRAKSE – Srečanje partnerjev v ŠC Celje Sodelujoči partnerji: predstavniki delodajalcev, zavoda za zaposlovanje, RIC, CPI in ŠC Celje Vsebina srečanja partnerjev: povezava med NPK Zidar za zidanje in ometavanje in šolskim programom ter možnosti prenosljivosti NPK Opazovanje poteka preverjanja in potrjevanja ter razgovor s kandidati za NPK