Live Well! Bien Vivre! Claude Vautour
Intent / Goal / Aim Live Well! Bien Vivre! is a preventative piece of the New Brunswick Diabetes Strategy Self-referral health coaching program with a client led approach that focuses on prevention and management of chronic diseases Continue to evolve Live Well! Bien Vivre! to reach more people in New Brunswick
Diabetes & prediabetes Problem / Issue New Brunswickers are disproportionately affected by chronic diseases 77% Chronic diseases 63% obesity 35% Diabetes & prediabetes Without intervention things will only continue to worsen GNB - 63% obesity 2010 GNB- 77% of New Brunswickers reported having been diagnosed with one or more chronic diseases (*CCHS Cycle 3.1, 2005). CDA - 35% Diabetes & Pre diabetes
3500 Group Coaching Participants Measurement 73% of clients have 1 or more self reported chronic disease 53 Average Age 6 Coaches 6 Regions Over 1000 Coaching Clients 3500 Group Coaching Participants Provincially 20% male 30% female
Intervention / Actions Self-Management Support Coaches are connectors They link their clients to resources in their community Coaches teach their client how to set and maintain wellness goals Coaches facilitate positive behaviour change. Continuity Bridge Between Clinician & Patient Five Roles of a Health Coach Health Coaching for Patients –Bennett, Coleman, Parry & Bodenheimer Emotional Support Navigation of the Health Care System
Impact / Outcomes Before After Self efficacy Self Perceived wellness Results of self reported client surveys Before After Self efficacy Self Perceived wellness Fruit & Vegetables Physical Activity 54% of clients reported normal 43% of clients reported as being in `poor` health 63% of clients ate 3 or less servings per day 65% of clients participated in light weekly to rarely 60% of clients reported high 86% of clients reported as being `fair - good` health 67% of clients ate 4 – 7 servings per day 73% had moderate to vigorous physical activity We see a 30% shift from the low range of activity into the higher end of the spectrum
Lessons Learned / Challenges 81% of clients reached and maintained their goals Most used coaching practices focus on re-enforcing behaviours and teaching self management skills We plan to continue to infuse coaches into more health care settings