Welcome & Introductions General Updates & Business Items, Calendar AGENDA Welcome & Introductions General Updates & Business Items, Calendar Reflection of Nov 8 Methods Summit Reflection of Nov 29 Quality Coaching Review Cadre Mtg Notes Closing Reflection Reflection and debrief challenges and successes from Summit and Quality Coaching Review and comments on notes from last meeting. Confirm trainer committments for future dates/trainings Reflect on what worked and what didnt, identify priorities for improvement 3. Identify content for future and cofacilitators for content 4. Contracts/Reimbursements 4. Other
WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS What’s your favorite way to reflect or self care? (Day, Event, Month, YEAR)
GENERAL UPDATES & BUSINESS ITEMS What should we know about? OSPI SOWA Upcoming Trainings or Opportunities FYI from Facilitators 26-27 The Youth PQA is a validated tool, which means that there was a huge research study that checked to make sure that it measures what we think it measures. And what it measures are key developmental experiences – things adults and kids do that make a difference for youth. The Youth PQA can also be used over time – you can score your program this fall and next spring and see if your practices have improved.
Upcoming Dates CALENDAR Trainer Cadre Webinar Jan 9 Trainer Cadre Meeting March 9 (Ellensburg) Summit 2, March 29 26-27 The Youth PQA is a validated tool, which means that there was a huge research study that checked to make sure that it measures what we think it measures. And what it measures are key developmental experiences – things adults and kids do that make a difference for youth. The Youth PQA can also be used over time – you can score your program this fall and next spring and see if your practices have improved.
CADRE MTG REVIEW Facilitation Prep, Wkshop, Reflection Methods Webinar Content Cadre Logistics Live Training Cadre (Methods Booster next time)
What is your commitment to the Trainer Cadre? CLOSING REFLECTION What is your commitment to the Trainer Cadre?