Welcome and Introductions
AGENDA Workshop Objectives Norms General Information Hands-on Activities
WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES To assist new EESAC members in developing a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities Provide an overview of the tools and resources available to assist in maintaining an effective EESAC
Be present Trust the process Equity of voice Share your knowledge NORMS Be present Trust the process Equity of voice Share your knowledge Vegas rules
M-DCPS SCHOOL BOARD BYLAWS & POLICIES: 2125 Each school shall establish a school advisory council, which shall include in its name the phrase "school advisory council." The councils shall be named EESACs ("EESAC" or "Council") and must be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, linguistic, disabled and economic community served by the school.
PURPOSE OF EESAC Each EESAC is the sole body responsible for final decision-making at the school relating to implementation of the State system of school improvement and accountability. (SBBP 2125) EESAC is responsible for assisting in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan and the school’s annual budget. (SBBP 2125)
THE SUNSHINE LAW & EESAC EESAC meetings are public meetings and subject to the Government in the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011(1), F.S. All meetings at which discussions and deliberations, as well as formal actions, take place must be open to the public, Section 86.011(1), F.S. Formal actions are considered binding only when made at meetings held in accordance with the Sunshine Law, Section 286.011(1), F.S.
THE SUNSHINE LAW & EESAC Meetings are open to the public at all times Reasonable notice of all meetings must be provided, Section 286.011(1), F.S. [5 business days] Minutes of the meetings must be recorded and open to public inspection, Section 286.011(2), F.S. All meetings must be held in a facility or location accessible to the public, Section 286.011(6), F.S.
WHO SERVES ON THE EESAC? Members of the EESAC represent constituent groups within a school [teachers, parents, support personnel, and community members]. Schools that include Grades 5 or higher also will have a student representative. Representation must reflect ethnic, racial, linguistic, disabled and the economic community served by the school (FSS 1001.452)
EESAC COMPOSITION A majority of the members of each school advisory council must be persons who are NOT employed by the school district (50% + 1) (FSS 1001.452(1)(a))
MEMBERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Attend all regular and special meetings Notify chair and alternate when unable to attend Communicate with constituents to collect data and opinions for decision-making Report to constituents the actions taken by the Council Participate openly in consensus building- Make decisions that benefit all students
EESAC CHAIR: ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Works with the principal to prepare the agenda. Notifies members of upcoming meetings and votes. Provides members with at least 3 days’ advance notice in writing of any matter that is scheduled to come to the Council for a vote. Ensures quorum is present before an action item on the agenda comes to a vote . Works in collaboration with the SAC secretary to ensure minutes are recorded and filed promptly.
WHO SERVES AS EESAC CHAIR ? Any member can be elected to serve as chair. The Bureau of School Improvement recommends that neither a principal (in order to invite greater shareholder involvement) nor a student (due to limited experience and maturity) fills this role. Some schools elect co-chairs so that a parent or community member and a school-based member can lead jointly.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SECRETARY Keeps accurate, complete minutes and ensures those records are accessible to the public (e.g., posted to osi.dadeschools.net). Ensures that a copy of the minutes and agenda are kept in an official, designated location in the front office of the school. Keeps accurate record of the council’s membership, attendance, duties, and special assignments.
SUGGESTED MINIMUM COMPOSITION 5 Teachers and 1 alternate 5 Parents and 1 alternate 1 Student and 1 alternate 1 Educational support person, and 1 alternate 3 Business/Community Representatives (BCR) UTD designated steward Principal
ELECTIONS The nomination and election procedures should be fair, equitable, and clearly outlined in the EESAC’s adopted bylaws. Voting can occur using written ballots or by a show of hands. Ballots are counted, recorded, and retained. Ballots and voting records should be kept at the school, and the results are to be reflected in the official EESAC minutes. Section 1001.452(1)(a), F.S.
VOTING EESACs fall under the purview of the Florida Sunshine Laws, votes may not be taken by secret ballot as that is a violation the Sunshine Law (Attorney General’s Office). Sunshine Law Manual states that “council members are not prohibited from using written ballots to cast a vote as long as they are made openly at a public meeting. The name of the person who voted and his or her selection are written on the ballot, and the ballots are maintained and made available for public inspection in accordance with the Public Records Act.”
BREAK - TRANSITION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ASKMcdCc3g
Updates Needed?
EESAC WAIVER REQUIREMENT A waiver is required each time a roster composition change is needed Once the waiver is in place, it remains in active until another waiver is requested A waiver is required to make the Assistant Principal an alternate for the Principal
EESAC COMPOSITION WAIVER FORM #7292 Log on to: http://osi.dadeschools.net/1819_SIP/EESACWaiverForm(7292).pdf
BYLAWS MUST CONTAIN: Purpose of EESAC Council Members: Composition, Eligibility, Terms, Responsibilities, Unexcused Absences Election Process: (FSS.1001.452 (d.4)) Meetings: Regular Meetings, Special Meetings (Emergency), Cancellation, Convenient Meeting Time, Open to the Public ( Schedule meetings when parents, students, teachers, businesspersons, and members of the community can attend. (FSS. 1001.452 (d.3)
BYLAWS CONTINUED… Consensus Decision Making Minutes (FSS. 1001.452 (d.5)): Maintenance, Content Input from Non-Council Members Amendments Committees: Must include Discipline and Safety and have the opportunity to report to the EESAC on a regular basis Amendments: How to make amendments to bylaws
BYLAWS CONTINUED… Quorum (FSS. 1001.452 (d.1)) Agenda: Who prepares the agenda, Adding to the Agenda, Notice to Members (FSS. 1001.452 (d.2)) Consensus Décision Making: Primary method of décision Minutes: Maintenance and Content Input from Non-Council Members: (FSS. 1001.452 (d.5)) Committees: List standing committees- include discipline and safety Amendments: How to amend the bylaws
EMERGENCY MEETING An emergency (special) meeting is any meeting that is not required in the school’s Bylaws. Emergency meetings must be advertised through the regular process on the Citizens’ Information website. Emergency meetings must abide by all the guidelines of a regular meeting.
PREPARING THE AGENDA The Chair shall prepare and distribute the agenda for all regular and special meetings. Notification to Members: All members must receive at least three days’ advance notice in writing of any matter that is scheduled to come before the Council for a vote. Adding to the Agenda: Council members may add items to any regular meeting agenda by contacting the Chair in advance. Non-Council members may propose an agenda item by contacting a Council member. The agenda may be amended at the meeting by majority vote. (Check your school’s bylaws for variations)
CONDUCTING THE MEETING All meetings fall under the Sunshine Law (Section 286.011(1), F.S.) EESAC Meetings CANNOT be held virtually Begin on time and Establish quorum -If quorum is not established, you may meet but you may not conduct business. A quorum must be physically present at a meeting Minutes must be kept
QUORUM Confirm the number of VOTING members on your roster (not including alternates). Use this number to establish a quorum. Quorum should be 50% +1 (review bylaws for any additional stipulations.
ESTABLISHING QUORUM CONTINUED If a voting member is not present, the alternate for that position is the voting member for that meeting. An alternate does not represent the missing person, but rather, represents the constituent group he or she is part of. The Assistant Principal may only serve as the alternate if a composition waiver has been filed and approved. The designated UTD steward may appoint someone to attend and vote at an EESAC meeting in his or her absence.
DURING THE MEETING Follow the agenda Include review and approval of prior minutes (only if quorum is established) At every meeting include information on the implementation of SIP strategies and data review At every meeting provide time for: non EESAC members to address agenda items or to identify ideas to be discussed
CLOSING THE MEETING Ensure that all members and visitors have signed in Keep the sign-in sheets for future reference Post the minutes within 7 business days Principal must verify the approved minutes Schedule the next EESAC meeting (as applicable)
MINUTES: ATTENDANCE The list of members comes directly from your roster If the list needs to be edited, it must be edited through the osi.dadeschools.net screen Drag and drop the names of the members to move them to the appropriate section (absent, present) Members are excused if they notified another member that they would be absent (refer to bylaws) Use the sign-in sheet to verify members and visitors attendance
MINUTES: VERIFICATION When minutes are posted but not yet verified, they are considered “Draft”. They may be edited before they are verified/ archived by the principal Minutes must be approved by the EESAC before they are verified by the principal Once they have been verified/archived, they cannot be edited
REMINDERS Citizens Information requires 48 hour notice to cancel an advertised meeting. If you are unable to cancel a meeting through Citizens Information, you must post minutes for the cancelled meeting and go through with the verification process. After minutes are verified, the minutes cannot be changed. If an error is found on verified minutes, for the next meeting add a note to the agenda and the minutes detailing the correction that is needed on the previous minutes.
TOOLS AND RESOURCES Located at: http://osi.dadeschools.net/are: 2018-2019 EESAC Resource Guide EESAC Composition Waiver Form - #7292 2018-2019 EESAC Assurance Checklist M-DCPS Framework for Effective Instruction Framework of Effective School Culture
NEXT STEPS Principal verifies pending minutes (except the latest) Review and update Bylaws (yearly) Ensure EESAC Roster is in compliance[check date of election] Ensure approval of the SIP is included in the minutes Ensure a process for the development of the Florida Recognition Plan and that the plan is documented in the EESAC minutes
CONTACT Dr. David K. Moore Ms. Iliana Ramos-Sibila Assistant Superintendent Division of Academics Support Ms. Iliana Ramos-Sibila 305-995-2347 Isibila@dadeschools.net Dr. Sherian Demetrius 305-995-2347 sdemetrius@dadeschools.net Ms. Ana D’Atri 305-995-2347 anamaria@dadeschools.net
EESAC Budget Training Office of Budget Management October 2018
AGENDA Overview of the budget process Timeline Tools School Recognition Funds EESAC Funds
BUDGET TOOLS - ALLOCATIONS The District uses CASAS as its means of equitably distributing resources across schools. The School Allocation Plan is the basis for all CASAS allocations.
BUDGET TOOLS - BUILDING Principals use the School Based Budget System (SBBS) to build budgets for schools with the resources allocated to them through CASAS.
BUDGET TOOLS - MONITORING Schools, and all staff, use the Financial Management System to monitor budgets throughout the year.
SCHOOL RECOGNITION FUNDS The School Recognition program provides financial awards to schools that demonstrate sustained or significantly improved student performance. Following are five key factors that highlights this program: Receiving a school grade of “A”; or improving at least one letter grade over the previous year; or improving more than one letter grade and sustaining the improvement the following school year. Funds are awarded up to $100 per Full Time Equivalent student for each qualifying school. The staff and school advisory council at each recognized school jointly decide how to use the funds. Schools must use their funds for one or any combination of the following: Non-reoccurring faculty and staff bonuses; Non-reoccurring expenditures for educational equipment and materials; or Temporary personnel to assist in maintaining or improving student performance. If school staff and the school advisory council cannot reach an agreement by February 1st, then the funds must be equally distributed to all classroom teachers currently teaching in the school. F.S. 1008.36(4).
EESAC FUNDS EESAC funds are allocated to each school at $5 per FTE. Any unspent EESAC funds are rebudgeted after fiscal year end. Ensure that all expenditures are in line with School Improvement Plan, such as: Assist with the purchase of instructional supplies, Library books, and textbooks Hourly personnel for tutoring State guidelines state that expenditures may not be reoccurring in nature. This means that no full-time personnel may be hired under the EESAC program.
REMINDERS – ENHANCEMENT $ EESAC provides recommendations to Principal on development of school budget Entire school budget is provided to EESAC Budget Availability Report is accessible to EESAC members State provides $5 per FTE as EESAC funds Memorandum #DN-030, Office of the Controller, was released through Weekly Briefing #23790 on October 4, 2018. ESSAC may designate $1,000- $2,999 for small priced items (e.g., food related student incentives) Expenditure of these funds must be approved by the EESAC, recorded in the minutes, and aligned to SIP objectives and strategies
Office of Budget Management Contact Information Wirthy Uriarte, District Director Budget Systems Manager: Margie Fernandez, ERP Budget Analyst 305-995-2497 Categorical Program & School Recognition: Adam Lechnir, Executive Director 305-995-2893 For School Budget questions, contact your Budget Coordinator: North: Betty Barahona 305-995-2457 Central: Paul Mickey 305-995-1574 South: Ana Ramos-Gonzalez 305-995-2483