“International Tables of Crystallography” Physics 590 “International Tables of Crystallography” “Everything you wanted to know about beautiful flies, but were afraid to ask.” Schönflies Gordie Miller (321 Spedding) Proposed Plan What basic information is found on the space group pages… Stoichiometry of the unit cell (Wyckoff sites) Site (point) symmetry of atoms in solids Solid-solid phase transitions (group-subgroup relationships) Diffraction conditions – what to expect in a XRD powder pattern. References Space Groups for Solid State Scientists, G. Burns and A.M.Glazer (Little mathematical formalism; prose style) International Tables for Crystallography (http://it.iucr.org/) Bilbao Crystallographic Server (www.cryst.ehu.es) (Comprehensive resources for all space groups)
BaFe2As2 What can we learn from the International Tables? c b a Space Group: I4/mmm Lattice Constants: a = 3.9630 Å c = 13.0462 Å Asymmetric Unit: Ba (2a): 0 0 0 Fe (4d): ½ 0 ¼ As (4e): 0 0 0.3544 a b c Intensity (Arb. Units) (hkl) Indices h + k + l = even integer (2n) (013) (112) (200) (116) (213) (015) (004) (215) (028) (002) (011) 2θ (Cu Kα)
Typical Space Group Pages… Symbolism Diffraction Extinction Conditions Point Symmetry Features Stoichiometry Structure of Unit Cell Subgroup/Supergroup Relationships
C4 σh 𝟏 Symbolism Molecules Solids Symmetry Operation Point Group of the Space Group Crystal System Space Group Molecules Solids Symmetry Operation Schönflies Notation International Notation Proper Rotation (by 2π/n) Cn (C2, C3, C4, …) “n” (2, 3, 4, …) Identity E = C1 1 Inversion (x,y,z) (–x,–y,–z) i = S2 Mirror plane Principal Axis h = S1 /m (n/m is the designator) Mirror plane Principal Axis v , d (= S1) m = Improper Rotation Sn = h Cn (S3, S4, S5, …) D C B A B A B A C D C D D ccw C C4 σh 𝟏 A B