Improving data quality through IEA training and regional workshops Duncan Millard IEA Chief Statistician
IEA’s global data outreach Countries we have data for Countries for which we only have aggregate data Plus engagement with other Energy organisations eg APEC, Olade, etc Growing demand in IEA and other users for NMC data
Non-member data Voluntary data collection – IEA has no mandate 110 countries and growing and 3 aggregate world regions – allows compilation of World energy balance Collected in multiple formats – whatever the country can provide: but official data Use of secondary sources and estimations – when country cannot provide data Communication with country contacts on identified data issues: can they help us solve it? 1 month data review process across IEA to seek additional input Issues of data availability persist – for some countries energy data collection is ad-hoc process IEA often seen as the reference when it comes to energy data: others reconcile or calibrate their data/models to us. How do we improve quality
Improving data quality in several ways Technical Assistance: Barriers assessments Data processing missions Guidance documents Training and capacity building: Regular bi-annual Regional, topic-specific Collaboration with other programmes/organisations Continuous data quality improvement Building and maintaining country contacts Dialogue with analysts and users Expanding data coverage and reach Data collection, processing, dissemination and use:
Training and capacity building IEA expertise in training recognised 35 participants at March and October training, creating a network of alumni Special consideration for Association countries: reserved places, side meetings, etc. Regional, issue specific trainings: Indonesia coal, Viet Nam legislative basis New manuals and translations of guidance documents: Russian guidance documents for questionnaires, revised energy statistics manual Providing publications to data providers, assisting them with difficult data interpretation questions. Keeping energy statistics at the forefront of energy policy discussions
Stats training at IEA March 2016
IEA & APERC Training Workshop (Hanoi, December 2015)
Reinforcing the learning Senior policy level seminars workshops focus on: policy use, data governance, data sharing, access to admin data Elements added to all training Webinars Being piloted to support and reinforce formal training Option of leading on on-line package – working with Olade Alumni Network On line Blog space to allow trainees to raise questions with each other and us, share knowledge and be part of wider group
Selected country activity (1) Fact-finding study in South Africa to identify barriers to producing energy balance and energy end-use data. Plan to continue working with them to help implement recommendations from the study. Completed two years of capacity building with India to improve their ability to compile a national energy balance. Training in Delhi (20 energy data collectors), 8 Indians attended our training in Paris, 3 secondees worked in EDC for 3 months each. Outcomes : better contacts for energy data in India, solved some key data problems, awareness at high level within India’s government that high quality energy balance needs to be a priority. EDC chaired a meeting with India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board and 7 representatives from IEA countries in New Delhi in early 2015 Received 9 secondees from China in last 10 years (none in last 4 years, due to lack of funding). Helped strengthen China NBS core knowledge about energy data and created strong links between IEA and China. Results included: expansion of energy balance to include new renewable energy forms. Joint training with UN followed by workshop for provincial statisticians in May 2016
Selected country activity (2) Workshop being planned for May 2016 – senior level for cooperation and integration, followed by 3 day technical training Hoping to help them improve their coal data collection, which is the main data issue in Indonesia and really dwarfs all the other problems in their statistics. 4 energy statistics training events in last 6 years. Three-day training scheduled for April 2016. Besides six people attended on the Paris ESC weeks. December 2015 a two-day workshop on legislative basis followed by a three-day course on energy statistics was held in Hanoi. Follow up work on road map for intergration of statistics under way. An Energy Statistics Course dedicated to Viet Nam was held at the IEA in Paris in November 2012. Current main stats problem is the grey zone concerning how annexed territories data are collected and processed (checks with Russian data to do). Three-day annual visit from the Ukraine energy statistics team to improve the quality of the five fuel questionnaires. Three training events have been organized in Ukraine since 2010, including on energy efficiency, plus three people attended the Paris course.
Global action Close collaboration with other international energy statistics organisations (APEC, OLADE, OPEC, UNESCWA, UNSD) on harmonisation of definitions and methodology to reduce reporting burden on countries and move towards more consistent energy data internationally. New MOU with OLADE to allow interaction between staff to achieve better understanding of their data collection methodology for South American countries. Work with EU-funded INOGATE programme to help improve energy data from former Soviet Union countries. Now 8 countries reporting on joint questionnaires. 8 energy statistics trainings conducted (over last 3 years) in Africa in collaboration with African Energy Commission (AFREC). Created simplified questionnaire for African countries and trained them on how to use it. Outcomes better contacts in certain countries, increased data submission, recognition that more needs to be done at the country level to improve their capacity to collect better energy data. Energy efficiency October 2015. Training conducted with EU-funded TARES project in Egypt to help them build better energy balances and energy efficiency indicators. 3 training events with UNESCWA (over last 3 years) for Middle East countries, discussing one for 2016. Additional outreach efforts are needed to improve data quality in those countries.
IEA to support global energy efficiency statistics Building on experience with Members and proposing an internationally coherent framework to target partners’ priorities Sharing capacity-building tools and expertise: Template for harmonised data collection Free manual on efficiency indicators statistics (translated into Chinese, Russian, Spanish) Online database on data collection practices Training capacity – formats vary
Energy data collection for Non-member countries (and members Energy data collection for Non-member countries (and members!): a process focused on continuously improving data quality. Thank you