Backflow Prevention Conference


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Presentation transcript:

Backflow Prevention Conference Ron Pulido Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Standards Australia

Outline Standards Australia Supporting Standardisation in Backflow Prevention Process and Engagement

About us What we do What we don’t do Develop and adopt standards to help make markets work, keep people safe and make Australian life better Independent, not-for-profit, non-government Represents Australia at the ISO and IEC Develop and adopt standards only where there is a need A trusted partner of government, industry & community Not SAI Global What we don’t do Make laws or regulations Test or certify products or systems Standards are voluntary consensus-based documents. They are only made mandatory if called up in legislation, regulations, or a contract. They do not always represent best practice; they specify requirements to achieve minimum objectives of safety, quality or performance of a product or service. More often than not, voluntary and consensus-based standards have the ability to guide the market, or society, to the desired outcome. Legislation is prone to amendment or disbandment due to the unintended consequences it tends to generate. Lasting change can be achieved by developing consensus-based Australian Standards, rather than reaching for the regulatory tool-box. Developing consensus-based Australian Standards can solve public policy dilemmas. The "codification, not legislation" approach is about re-setting our biases towards developing appropriate standards, rather than opting for regulatory remedies in the first instance, we should instead turn to standards. As evidence of this, of the 7000-plus Australian Standards, three-quarters remain voluntary and only about one-quarter become mandated either through law or contracts.

Australia’s representative at both: Supporting the good use of International Standards through their consideration and adoption in Australia Australia’s representative at both: Standards Australia is Australia’s representative at both the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ISO: World’s largest developer of internationally harmonised standards. Private body; 163 members countries; combination of public and private NSBs (different drivers) Develops voluntary standards across a broad range of subjects and markets. 270 TCs and16,000 + international standards in materials and engineering technologies and management systems IEC: International standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Private body – but not all same members as ISO 179 TCs and 5,500 standards Funding Model for ISO and IEC: Membership fees; sales and copyright

One solution – multiple jurisdictions Standards are voluntary unless called up in regulation Everything we do is based on consensus In order for a standard to change, broad support is needed from all relevant communities of interest Considering equality and inclusion through the design of housing, there is a place for everyone along the regulatory spectrum. There is room for Australian Standards along the way Standards Australia wants to be part of the solution, not the problem Standards Australia wants to work with all industry sectors to do what we can for the benefit of the community Standards Australia is committed to working with all our stakeholders and we are looking forward to working with you to achieve the best outcome.

Australian Standards are only ever a solution when our key criteria are met. Standards Australia will only consider a proposal on housing accessibility if it meets three key criteria, being: Adequate stakeholder support Clear scope Robust net benefit case. Need stakeholder support to ensure there is success We need all of this to be a success. KEY MESSAGE # 2: Standards need to be developed along the principles of Net Benefit, and go through a rigorous proposal process. Evaluates all proposals for the development of an Australian Standard. Assess costs vs benefits of Standard - must have ‘an overall positive impact on communities’ Requires a project proposal form setting out the net benefit case Is consistently assessed across different types of standards in different fields For every standards development project, a case for Net Benefit to the Australian community has to be presented. This takes into account the costs and benefits related to the following criteria: Public health and safety Social and community impact Environmental impact Competition Economic impact.

Supporting Standardisation in Backflow Prevention

WS-023 Backflow Prevention Devices Australian Building Codes Board Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Industry Group Australian Water Association Backflow Prevention Association of Australia Business New Zealand CSIRO Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy (SA) Department of Housing and Public Works (QLD) Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment (NT) Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety WA Engineers Australia Environment and Planning Directorate (ACT) Local Government New Zealand Master Plumbers Australia Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers New Zealand New Zealand Employers and Manufacturers Association (Central) Inc NSW Fair Trading Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia Plumbing Products Industry Group Queensland Brassware Association Standards New Zealand Victorian Building Authority VIPAC (Testing Interests Australia) Water New Zealand Water Services Association of Australia Standardisation is about creating options and opening up new opportunities to support innovation. Technology is changing rapidly in design, engineering, and construction. Our WS-023 technical committee members lead standardisation priorities for ‘Backflow Prevention Devices’ The aim is to support productivity of the Backflow Prevention industry through innovation and providing robust standards. AS 2845 series Water supply - Backflow prevention devices

Standards for Backflow Prevention Devices AS/NZS 2845.1:2010/Amdt 1:2014 Water supply - Backflow prevention devices - Materials, design and performance requirements AS 2845.2-2010 — Water supply - Backflow prevention devicess-Registered air gaps and registered break tanks AS 2845.3-2010 — Water supply - Backflow prevention devices-Field testing and maintenance of testable devices

Revision of AS 2845.3-2010 Technical aspects of all test procedures Current Project Revision of AS 2845.3-2010 Technical aspects of all test procedures upstream isolation valve reduced pressure principle devices Field testing and maintenance of testable devices Background To address the technical aspects of all test procedures for backflow prevention devices because numerous test procedures are inaccurate and have never been suitable for the purpose for which they are intended. An upstream isolation valve should only be required to pass testing where a closed upstream isolation valve is critical to the integrity of test results for the backflow device. Reduced pressure principle devices should be tested for the first opening of the relief port and not after a line strainer has been cleaned. Need for the proposed work Current publication contains errors different test procedures are used across the jurisdictions To develop nationally consistent standard upon best practice principles to prevent contamination of drinking water supply Reduce maintenance cost by eliminating unnecessary works

Process and Engagement

Stakeholder engagement Manager Support New Work Opportunities Who do you talk to? Stakeholder Management Oversee sector(s) of work. Manage the relationships with the Nominating Organisations. Escalation point for relationship/stakeholder issues Stakeholder engagement Manager Support New Work Opportunities Project prioritisation process. Project proposals.

Adequate stakeholder support Clear scope Robust net benefit case. What is the process? Key Questions for Proposal What do you want to do? Why do you want to do it? Do you have support? Do not want to set false expectations Happy to help stakeholder discussions. Standards Australia will consider a project proposal and notes three key criteria needs to be met, being: Adequate stakeholder support Clear scope Robust net benefit case.

How do I get engaged? Take the opportunity to get involved in the decision making process. Join a Committee Public Comment Speak to me!
