#7:ETHNIC RELIGIONS (pgs. 184-189) USE COMPLETE SENTENCES IN WHICH YOU INCORPORATE THE QUESTION TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. People who were in class DID NOT copy the questions or use complete sentences, so you won’t earn credit for this opener if you copy someone’s answers. 1. In which 3 countries are most of the world’s Hindus found (text, pg. 190)? 2. In which two countries do most of the world’s Jews live (text pg. 191)? 3. Refer to table 6.1 on pg. 185. Which ETHNIC religions have at least one million adherents in the United States? 4. Sketch a picture that represents animism (see African Traditional, pg. 191). Examine Figure 6-12 on pg. 191. Be sure to read the caption. Then answer #5-6: 5. In which region, North Africa or Sub-Saharan Africa, has Islam dominated since 1900? 6. Increases in numbers of adherents of which two religions have caused the rapid decline of animism since 1900? 7. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES FOR THIS ONE: Which continent has the most diversity in terms of major religions dominating the largest number of neighboring countries? Would the countries on this continent be more likely to cooperate or conflict with their neighbors? Would this encourage or hinder (stunt) development? Explain your answer. WHEN YOU’RE DONE, WORK ON YOUR CH. 6 READING GUIDE!
FIGURE 6-3 WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF RELIGIONS The pie charts show the share of major religions in each world region.
#____: ETHNIC RELIGIONS (pgs. 184-189) ANSWER KEY: ETHNIC RELIGIONS 1. India, Nepal, Bangladesh 2. Israel & US 3. Hinduism, Judaism 4. answer will vary but will all be awesome! 5. North Africa 6. Islam & Christianity 17. Africa has the most diversity in religions of many neighboring countries & within countries. This would be more likely to cause conflict between countries having different dominant faiths, likely hindering development. © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.