Student Technology Fee Report October 2014
Student Technology Fee The purpose of Technology Fee is to provide funding for technology which aids student learning. Items funded include: Technical Support Software Licenses for use on student computers Classroom technology Other software used by students in classrooms Campus infrastructure used by students
Student Technology Fee Current Technology Fee: $57 per semester Last raised in 2010
Student Technology Fee 2014 Usage of Fee Support of student devices (the HUB) 38 Student Employees Hours expanded to 49 (from 46.5) 25,000 Service requests Campus-wide Software licenses Microsoft (Operating systems and Office) Desire2Learn
Student Technology Fee 2014 Usage of Fee (Continued) Classroom Audio Visual Support Maintenance items (Bulbs, cables, etc.) Projectors/Presenters Networking/Security Maintenance/Upgrades Firewall enhancements Spam Detection
Student Technology Fee FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 REVENUE Technology Fees 853,137.01 970,563.19 955,584.50 Fee Waivers (10,543.86) (27,347.01) (60,773.74) Allowance for Doubtful Revenue (444.62) (630.23) Other 5,256.61 847,849.76 942,771.56 894,180.53 EXPENDITURES Personal Services 475,260.92 505,455.96 430,407.20 Operating Supplies & Expenses 222,016.00 117,608.76 147,127.58 Encumbrances 7,975.32 License Fees 192,504.20 258,082.53 174,120.46 Equipment 38,782.12 12,996.75 15,725.62 936,538.56 894,144.00 767,380.86 Change in Net Assets (88,688.80) 48,627.56 126,799.67 Prior Year Adjustment Prior Year Reserve 62,399.67 (26,289.13) 22,338.43 Reserve 149,138.10 6/30/2014
Student Technology Fee Reserves Beginning Balance: $22,388 Ending Balance: $149,138 Reason for additional Reserves Major item from FY 14 paid for in FY 15 Plans for Reserve Balance Budget Shortfall Caused by FY 14 purchases in FY 15 Reduced enrollment
Student Technology Fee 2015 Budget: $879,000 Includes $90,000 reduction from Original Budget Summary Salaries (including Fringe): $580,000 Operating Supplies and Expenses: $389,000 Software: $226,000 AV Equipment/Supplies: $100,000 Other: $63,000 Should leave reserve Balance of $59,136
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