Ethnicity Chapter 7 99. Ethnicity part 1 An Introduction to Human Geography The Cultural Landscape, 8e James M. Rubenstein Chapter 7 Ethnicity 99. Ethnicity part 1
What is ethnicity? How is it different than race? Ethnicity - 1. identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth. Thus: customs, cultural characteristics, language, common history, homeland, etc... Race - 1. any of the different varieties of humankind, distinguished by form of hair, skin and eye color, bodily proportions, stature, etc...
Race Does not exist on a scientific level, despite influence of the theory. The truth is that there is very little fundamental genetic variety between humans and no way to tell where one category stops and another begins. Race is literally skin deep. There has not been enough time for much genetic variation. We do not have distinct “races” or “subspecies.”
Japan Town, San Francisco, 1910 Race in the U.S. Rosa Parks Japan Town, San Francisco, 1910 Dogs Used to Control Protestors, 1957
Race in the U.S. Still the most common way people identify themselves, despite its problems. The basis for much segregation - ethnic neighborhoods - housing covenants Census forms highlight the problems of defining race. For example, census data was misused by the government WWII to inter Japanese. Protest the census by filling in “human” under OTHER category?
Distribution of Ethnicity in the US Hispanic- 15% African American- 13% Asian American- 4% American Indian- 1%
Distribution of Ethnicities Ethnicities in the United States Clustering of ethnicities in regions and neighborhoods African American migration patterns
Hispanic Americans in the U.S. 1/3 pop of AZ, NM, TX ¼ pop of CA 1/6 pop of FL, NY Fig. 7-2: The highest percentages of Hispanic Americans are in the southwest and in northern cities.
African Americans in the U.S. ¼ pop of AL, GA, LA, MD, SC 1/3 pop of MS Fig. 7-1: The highest percentages of African Americans are in the rural South and in northern cities.
Asian Americans in the U.S. 40% pop of Hawaii ½ of all US Asian Americans in CA (12% of CA pop) ¼- Chinese descent 1/5 Indian and Filipino 1/10 Korean and Vietnamese Fig. 7-3: The highest percentages of Asian Americans are in Hawaii and California.
Native Americans in the U.S. Fig. 7-4: The highest percentages of Native Americans are in parts of the plains, the southwest, and Alaska.
Ethnicities in the US 90% of Hispanics and African Americans in the US live in urban environments Detroit, Chicago- large African American populations NYC, LA, ElPaso, San Antonio- large Hispanic populations Within cities, ethnic enclaves develop- ethnicities cluster together Little Italy, Chinatown Visible in restaurants, shops, churches
Ethnicities in Chicago Fig. 7-5: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans are clustered in different areas of the city.
Ethnicities in Los Angeles African American- south central LA Hispanics- east Asian- South and West Clashing in LA between ethnicities trying to lay claim to land. Fig. 7-6: Hispanic, white, African American, and Asian areas in and around Los Angeles.
Don’t forget the field trip permission slip and money!! February 10, 2014 EQ- Explain the migration patterns of African Americans in the US. What was apartheid? Table of Contents: 100. Ethnicity part 2 101. South Africa Homework: Don’t forget the field trip permission slip and money!! Write a paragraph that explains: how ethnicities are clustered in the US How these clusters can lead to conflict as evidenced in LA
Slave Trade Between 1710-1810- 10 million African forced into slavery European ships brought slaves across Atlantic ¼ died on the voyage over Middle Passage Most slaves went to Brazil, Caribbean Islands, Central and South America 5% went to the US In the US nearly all located in the South East
Triangular Slave Trade and African Source Areas Fig. 7-7: The British triangular slave trading system operated among Britain, Africa, and the Caribbean and North America.
After Emancipation Slaves were freed but not given land, jobs, training, etc. Most stayed in the South and became sharecroppers- they “rented” homes/land from the landowner and paid with a portion of the crops Industrial Revolution- machines now can do the farm labor: African Americans move North for jobs- called the Great Migration
African American Migration in the U.S. Fig. 7-8: Twentieth-century African American migration within the U.S. consisted mainly of migration from the rural south to cities of the Northeast, Midwest, and West.
Ghettos African Americans clustered into formerly immigrant neighborhoods Called ghettos (named after the areas Jews lived in the Middle Ages) Very high population density- very crowded, many families sharing one room 1950’s-1960’s African Americans begin moving from ghettos to the immediately surrounding neighborhoods “White Flight”
African Americans in Baltimore Fig. 7-9: Areas with 90% African American population in Baltimore expanded from a core area northwest of downtown in the 1950s.
Division by Race in South Africa Apartheid- a legal system that physically separates different races into geographic areas 1950’s-1990’s in South Africa 4 races: black, white, colored, Asian Different legal status Determines: where you live, what schools, what type of job you can have, where you can shop, if you can own land Blacks: jobs restricted, less pay, can’t vote, no national office System created by Boers (aka Afrikaners)- former Dutch colonizers Created 10 homelands where blacks could live Nelson Mandela- African National Congress- elected President in 1997 NOW- average white income is still 10x that of black South Africans
Black “Homelands” in South Africa Fig. 7-10: During the apartheid era, South Africa created a series of black “homelands” with the expectation that every black would be a citizen of one of them. These were abolished with the end of apartheid.
Don’t forget the field trip permission slip and money!! February 19, 2014 EQ- What is nationalism? How has nationalism led to conflict? Table of Contents: 102. Nationalism Notes 101. Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Homework: Don’t forget the field trip permission slip and money!! Finish your Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide assignment. Get letter signed by parent. Permission slip and money!
What is Nationalism? Nationality- identity with a group of people who share attachment to a particular country Nationalism – 1. a sense of national consciousness and loyalty that believes their nation is better than all others 2. an identification with the goals of a country that binds its people together (centripetal force). <as opposed to centrifugal forces that divide people>
Ethnicities into Nationalities Rise of nationalities Nation-states- a state whose territory corresponds to one ethnicity (ethnicity has self-determination, or desire for self rule) Ex: Iceland, Denmark 90% Danes WWI and WWII fought over desire for nation states Nationalism is usually created through symbols, songs, flags, holidays and often by putting other nations down
Multi-National States Multiethnic States: Most countries Contains more than one ethnicity but all consider themselves part of one nation Ex: USA (all American) Multinational State- more than one ethnicity that all want to be in charge of themselves Ex: former USSR (now 15 states based on 15 largest ethnicities)
Republics of the Soviet Union Fig. 7-11: The Soviet Union consisted of 15 republics that included the country’s largest ethnic groups. These all became independent countries in the early 1990s.
Ethnic Groups in Russia Fig. 7-12: Russia officially recognizes 39 ethnic groups, or nationalities, which are concentrated in western and southern portions of the country.
Ethnicities in the Caucasus Fig. 7-13: The Caucasus region is extremely diverse ethnically. Ethnic groups are spread across several national boundaries. The most troubling are the Chechens- Sunni Muslims who are fighting for independence from Russia. This area has a lot of oil, and Russia doesn’t want to lose it- also don’t want to give them independence because then all the other ethnic groups might start fighting for it. Fighting reached a high point in 2004 with the Beslan School Massacre. It continues today- even causing a major terror threat at the current Olympics.
Insert video about Beslan School Massacre
Clashes of Ethnicities Ethnic competition to dominate nationality Ethnic groups within the same country want control of the country or independence to create their own country Dividing ethnicities among more than one state Ethnic groups split across several neighboring countries fight to be united in one nation
Ethnicity in the Horn of Africa Fig. 7-14: There have been numerous interethnic civil conflicts in the countries of the Horn of Africa (including the Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia).
Ethnicities in Lebanon Fig. 7-15: Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, and Druze are dominant in different areas of the country.
Ethnic Division of South Asia Fig. 7-16: At independence in 1947, British India was divided into India and Pakistan, resulting in the migration of 17 million people and many killings. In 1971, after a brutal civil war, East Pakistan became the country of Bangladesh.
Jammu and Kashmir Fig. 7-17: Although its population is mainly Muslim, much of Jammu and Kashmir became part of India in 1947. India and Pakistan have fought two wars over the territory, and there has been a separatist insurgency in the area.
Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka Fig. 7-18: The Sinhalese are mainly Buddhist and speak an Indo-European language, while the Tamils are mainly Hindu and speak a Dravidian language.
Ethnic Cleansing Ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia Creation of multi-ethnic Yugoslavia Destruction of multi-ethnic Yugoslavia Ethnic cleansing in central Africa
Ethnic Regions in Yugoslavia Fig. 7-22: Yugoslavia’s six republics until 1992 included much ethnic diversity. Brutal ethnic cleansing occurred in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo during the civil wars of the 1990s.
Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo Aerial photography helped document the stages of ethnic cleansing in western Kosovo in 1999.
Ethnicities in Africa Fig. 7-23: The boundaries of African states do not (and cannot) coincide with the thousands of ethnic groups on the continent.