Technology and future usage Access Brain Plant or Erase memories
Victims of Painful Memories Protect witnesses from suspects Future usage Victims of Painful Memories PTSD patients – Sexual Assault victims, especially minors / Natural disaster victims Go closer to curing these diseases by erasing or modifying memories Protect witnesses from suspects Painful memories cause long term psychological problems such as PTSD. Example can be sexual assault victims, especially minors and victims of severe natural disasters. The tech can erase or modify the painful memories and thus go closer to solving such psychological diseases. Also, there are retaliatory crimes the victim of which are witnesses. Result is that honest and courageous witnesses are exposed to danger, causing unnecessary and unjust injuries which leads to decreasing of witnesses. In Korea, people can freely access court records, so we will have to first make it hard for normal people and especially defendant(criminal) to access his or her own records, protecting witnesses’ information. And then, the tech can erase some memories of criminal so he or she would have harder time finding the witness, which would hopefully lead to decreasing of retaliatory crimes. In Korea, free to browse witness records Retaliatory crimes ↑, courageous witnesses ↓ Protect witness records →As double protection, erase suspects’ memories of witnesses So that suspects cannot track them down
Worries about backfiring and misuse Obstacles & Solution Worries about backfiring and misuse Brain damage Confusion from the unremoved body memory Misusage for a crime As a CEO, I will do… What are the obstacles for those technologies to be adopted? How can you overcome and diffuse those technologies if you're the CEO of the company that created those technologies? The biggest obstacle is worries among people about backfiring and misuse. Damage on the Brain can occur as a side effect. As the body as well as the brain save memories, although the cognitional memory is falsified, still the body keeps the memory, which may leads a huge confusion to those who had a memory wiped out. Also, the technology has a tremendous danger if it is misused, for example, it can be used for the crime. As a CEO of the company which developed the technology, I will prove the safety of the technologies with diverse experiments and lobby to the policy makers to make the official process in which the usage of technology is permitted. Prove the safety with diverse experiments Lobby to make the official process for usage of technology
Benefits & Harmful effects a cure for PTSD patients Protection on witness from the retaliatory crimes Harmful effects the incomplete change ->confusion. Suspicious truth and undermined trust Immature and weak-minded people Misuse in crime Lack of morality Dictatorship Benefits 1. It can be used as a cure for PTSD patients, especially for those who are too young to endure the painful memory. 2. With the technology, witness can be protected from the retaliatory crimes by keep suspects from finding out the information of witness. Harmful effects 1. As the memory usually shared with several people, the incomplete change of the memory can occur a confusion. 2. What we believe the truth is no longer true, as “the truth” can be based on changed memory. Therefore, the trust in the society will be undermined. 3. Those who get used to this technology become easily avoid of the stress and psychological pain. As grow up needs going through some pains, avoidance of the pain makes the people immature and weak-minded. 4. Like in the movie ‘paycheck’, an innocent person can be used in the crime by changing one’s memory. 5. Since it is easy to delete the memory with guilty, people can be lack of morality. 6. It can be used for dictatorship.
Institutional Mechanism Who should be authorized to decide to change the memory? Individual or government can overuse or misuse it. What kind of memory is appropriate to be deleted or planted? It is hard to decide whether the memory should be changed or not How far should the memory is changed? The range of the memory that should be changed is hard to be decided. Request for permission of changing memory Trial with jury Approval Education on family or friends to prevent the confusion Social judgment is needed Who should be authorized to decide to change the memory? What kind of memory is appropriate to be deleted or planted? How far should the memory is changed? Individual or government by itself can overuse or misuse it. The permission to change the memory should be allowed through the trial with jury.
Individuals using the technology How about you? 마약 사진 로보트 DRUGS What do people who erase their memories everyday remind you of? Drugs, people will be more like robots without identity who does everyday chores and people will only seek comfort. In a way, memory erasing might be the right to pursue happiness gone to a wrong pole. I’m opposed to having memories wiped out or changed. At the human dimension, it would be running away from life itself. I prefer a simple society and this technology would take the natural burden off people. ‘People’ might vanish and would become only like machines that deals with each day’s chores. At the society level, it would create a world in which truth does not matter but only comfort and fake easiness matters. Nonetheless, if I have to imagine myself using this technology everyday, I will use it to wipe my memories about useless knowledge or norms of the world which try to tie my imaginations to the real world, so I can be closer to a blank paper to draw anything on. Truth? < Fake Easiness, comfort
Will the technologies be adopted? It will be adopted naturally When? Memory erasing: within 100 years Memory creation: takes longer How? By scientists in the dark Memory erasing tech can be adopted, in my opinion, within 100 years. For memory creation, it would take longer. Since it is a dangerous tech, the government might try to ban the invention of such tech, but as all other technologies have been developed until now, scientists in the dark(not literally) would eventually come to invent the tech.