2010 SNAMP Public Meeting October 21 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

2010 SNAMP Public Meeting October 21 2010

Today’s Agenda 10-10:15am Welcome and overview – John Battles 10:15-10:30am Implementation update – USFS District Rangers   10:30-12:00am UC Science Team updates Project integration – John Battles Fire and Forest Ecosystem Health – Scott Stephens Water Team – Roger Bales or Martha Conklin Public Participation Team – Kim Rodrigues Spatial Team – Maggi Kelly or Qinghua Guo Wildlife (Fisher and Owl Teams) – Reg Barrett and Rocky Gutiérrez 12-12:45pm Lunch (provided) 12:45-2:15pm Interactive sessions Facilitated discussions with science teams (Two 45 minute sessions) 2:15-2:30pm Report back and synthesis Each science team reports back on major themes of public discussion at their table 2:30-3:00pm Next steps/Evaluation Recommendations from participants for SNAMP next steps Wrap up and evaluation

8 minutes to cover the following Quick overview of team questions and methods (2 slides); Findings (any significant prelim findings / work accomplished); Collaboration & integration with other teams & other research; Any changes in study design; Next steps (for upcoming treatment years).

SNAMP science team: Water Principal investigators Roger Bales Martha Conklin Graduate students Sarah Martin Philip Saksa Research staff Patrick Womble

Water questions ? Impacts on water quantity? Impacts on water quality? ↑Snow accumulation ↓Evapotranspiration Impacts on water quality? ↑Streamflow ↑Sediment movement Storm pulse before ? Storm pulse after

Sediment concentration METHODS Observations Meteorological Snow depth Soil moisture Stream discharge Sediment concentration Bedload movement Stream conductivity Modeling Parameterization Calibration STREAM SITES

Next derive water storage Bear Trap & Fraser soil moisture for WY 2010, w/ Bear Trap met snow, rain & temperature Next derive water storage 7


Speckerman discharge, first week of each month snowmelt rain high ET mixed snowmelt & ET low ET

Collaboration & integration Spatial & FFEH teams Provide the information to create modeling environment Compare overlapping parts of hydrology & fire modeling Kings River Experimental Watershed – Critical Zone Observatory Sierra National Forest, High Sierra Ranger District Use for model calibration Better instrumented & characterized Longer data record 10

Study Design 11

Automatic water samplers Next steps Final installations Big Sandy wier Culvert weirs Scour pans Automatic water samplers Modeling Results Calibration 12