Incorporating Quotes into a paragraph Example from “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell
TOPIC SENTENCE of your paragraph (what the paragraph will be about) TOPIC SENTENCE of your paragraph (what the paragraph will be about). It is like the thesis of a paragraph. 1 sentence Step 1
CONTEXT of the quote (where in the story/article do these words appear CONTEXT of the quote (where in the story/article do these words appear? What is the situation in which it is said? How is it connected to your topic? Give any necessary background, etc.). This step should be brief! 2 – 3 sentences maximum Step 2
INTRODUCTION to the quote. Tell us who says it. The author INTRODUCTION to the quote. Tell us who says it. The author? The narrator? A specific character? To whom is the quote addressed? About what are they speaking (if it isn't self-explanatory). Use a comma before the quote, or a colon if the introduction of the quote is a complete sentence in itself. Combined with 4 for 1 sentence Step 3
THE QUOTE ITSELF followed by a page number in parentheses THE QUOTE ITSELF followed by a page number in parentheses. Steps 3 and 4 combined should be 1 sentence Step 4
EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS of the quote EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS of the quote*. Tell why it is important and how it relates to your thesis/topic sentence. Be specific about what in the quote, which words, lead you to that conclusion. Be thorough and logical. 5 – 6 sentences minimum Step 5
CLOSING STATEMENT Wrap up your topic and make sure that we understand your paragraph is complete. 1 sentence Step 6
Most of your paragraphs should be spent analyzing, using your own words to explain how and why the quote you used supports your topic sentence and your thesis. Your analysis is the heart of the paper. ***
Each/any of these steps may be repeated as many times as is necessary to fully support your argument. It is also not necessary to use each step in the same order for every paragraph. Use this structure as necessary in order to fulfill the needs of your writing. ***
Do Rainsford’s views on hunting change throughout the story Do Rainsford’s views on hunting change throughout the story? Prove your answer with examples from the text. Question?
1. Topic Sentence – (Answer the question) In the story, “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, Rainsford’s views change drastically from beginning to end. 1. Topic Sentence – (Answer the question)
When Sanger Rainsford is first introduced, he makes it clear that he is an avid hunter who feels no pitty for the animals which he pursues. However, after an experience in the woods being hunted by the evil General Zaroff, his ability to sympathize with the victim becomes obvious. 2. Context
3. Introduction to the quote After surviving a three day hunt, Rainsford pronounces to the General, 3. Introduction to the quote
“I am still a beast at bay.” (38). 4. The quote itself
5. Explanation and analysis Rainsford has obviously come a long way from the beginning of the story when he made it clear to Whitney he does not care how the prey feels as they are hunted (16). Once he was forced to consider the possibility of humans as prey, he had to consider the moral consequences of his favorite sport, perhaps for the first time. Then, once he was placed in a situation where he needed to survive the hunt, his lack of sympathy developed into a full understanding of his prey. 5. Explanation and analysis
After depending on his intelligence and instincts to get him through the jungle alive, Rainsford now recognizes what an animal must go through once they become aware there is a predator near. The fact that Rainsford refers to himself as the “beast at bay” proves he considers himself the hunted and he will not back down from his hunter. These feelings of fear and revenge among victims are universal.
After the traumatic experiences Rainsford has endured, it is no surprise he now feels sympathy for the beasts he once preyed upon. 6. Concluding Statement