Leadership timeline By Ashley Osborn
Raising Paige and Cole 2007-2015 -Patience/Sacrifice -Reflection on my values -Leading by example -Finding another solution more adaptable to what they need
Bellevue Basketball Team 8th Grade -Most Inspirational Player -Introvert coming in to strong program, finding a place socially and on the court, gluing the team together, and getting second place in the state of Washington -Built confidence to challenge myself to join other teams and pursue my dreams in basketball Bellevue Christian JH Select Basketball Grades 6-8 -Leader of the team by example and talent -Influence, learning how to deal with people that are more relational, or that are there for different reasons than me -How to have a positive attitude through failure, how to build the whole team without bringing myself down
Even in the midst of trials Because I am a non relational, more competitive person, I learned how to understand other’s emotions and to “apply this understanding to life’s tasks” to positively lead my teammates even when I was frustrated.
Summer between Grades 7-8 -Two teams, joined a high school team after it had started -Learned to mesh into a system and chemistry after coming in late (challenging because of my introvert side and lack of confidence in my skills) -Being the youngest I learned to lead through my actions and not step on the older kids’ toes by trying to blurt out my opinion -Watched and observed the older kids and their leadership styles -Pushed me out of my comfort zone which led to future instances that I was able to reach out of my comfort zone because I had this situation as practice
Bellevue Christian HS Basketball 2011-2014 -Started as a freshman on Varsity -Had to learn to take a roll and excel at that position -Sophomore could have been a Captain by skill and influence but was not able to be one because of my age -Challenged to find ways to lead without being thought of as a “leader” (this would upset the older players if I had too much influence) -Learned to work through this conflict and also learned to challenge people less motivated to be more committed -Learned to discipline myself to work outside of practice on my skill and strength despite criticism from others and hold up my end of the commitment while others did not -Learned to excel in a negative environment that tried to tell me I was too dedicated
What are some solutions for the leader who is in a negative environment for himself? (not including leaving )
Bellevue Christian High School 2013-2014 -Started and led FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) at my school -Learned to leave a legacy in a place I felt oppressed that continued to grow after I left -Learned to care about people that were hard to get along with -Learned to seek the purpose and goal of the program over my feelings about people
FCA Select Basketball Summers 2013-14 -Learned to overcome adversity of sickness when there are high expectations of performance -Played on the top team for both years -Emotional leader -Mentioned by parents that the girls looked up to me and wanted to play and act the way I did -Learned to serve my teammates and the other teammates -Became the “mom” -Learned to be mentored in my leadership and skills by my coach -Focused on transitioning my personal approaches with my teammates based on the way they liked to be challenged and encouraged
These are 3 of the girls that I took under my wing from summer basketball (did not attend same HS) -They observed my actions and repeated them -They asked for advice on and off the court -I learned to reach out to them and build a bond outside of basketball that helped our chemistry on the court -I learned to make them important and not just the ultimate goal of winning-still have influence while they are still at home and I am at college
King’s High School 2014-2015 -As a new transfer my senior year I was very thankful for my previous leadership experiences and situations that pushed me out of my comfort zone because you almost would not have noticed I was the “new kid” -I learned how a leader can simply inspire someone to change by a small smile or a caring text -I challenged much of my friend group to make better choices/be kinder -I learned to love even despite disappointing actions -I learned to care for and respect people even when I did not know them for a long amount of time -I learned how to be a better person and reflect on myself and change for the betterment of a school/student body -I learned how a positive environment for a leader and follower makes all the difference in the world I learned to believe that being “new/unknown” does not mean you cannot effectively lead a group
State Champions 2015- Best friends on and off the court King’s Basketball 2014-2015 (new teammate) -My coach thought about bending the captain requirements to allow me to be a captain, and although this didn't happen, he knew that my influential role on the team would not require the official title of “Captain” -I learned to use all of my leadership and life experiences to quickly bond with my team through service and special time together -I proved my dedication to them off the court through my own actions but on the court my actions over the years had given me a credible and well respected reputation that caused instant trust between the teammates -I learned that being held accountable and questioned for my poor actions from the girls not only stresses that they care about me but that they respect me and want to follow the best of leaders -I learned that it is important to learn from every trial and experience and push through because in the end the reward is much greater than the pain having been through Being a great leader requires more than skill, there needs to be trust, respect, and love for all the members involved.
Speech Therapy and Child Care for a non Christian family Summer 2015 -Taught me that few words can be more influential than many -Patience -Small goals and successes matter -Tough love is a solution