Christmas Lesson 2015
A ‘Grinch’ is a mean person
Warm up グリンチゲーム ① Students to sit around in a circle. ② Introduce themselves. ③ Teacher chooses a ‘Grinch’ ④ Play Joy, Joy, Grinch (Duck, Duck, Goose)
The Christmas Alphabet
A a Apple
B b Bell
C c Chimney
D d December
E e Elf・Elves
F f Fairy
G g Green
H h Hat
I i Illumination
J j Jolly
K k Kris Kringle
L l Love
M m Mistletoe
N n North Pole
O o Ornaments
P p Pudding
Q q Quilt
R r Reindeer
S s Santa Claus
T t Turkey
U u Under the tree
V v Vacation
W w White
X x Xmas
Y y Year
Z z zzz…
Touch ゲーム Two teams (Grinch Team VS. Santa’s Team) Listen Be the first to touch the card Get 1 point for your team.
What do you want for Christmas? あなたは、クリスマスの欲しいものは何ですか?
I want 「a/an」 ________ 私は「 一つの」_____が欲しい
しりとりゲーム Grinch team VS. Santa’s team Words can only be anything. Practice “I want a/an _______” You only have 10 seconds. First to 3 Points win
しりとりゲーム Rules First, player one is given a random letter and must say a word beginning with that letter in a sentence. “I want a _______” Players take turns with the last letter of each word becoming the start of the next word. Continue til no words can be made. The winner is the team that spoke last
しりとりゲーム 「例」 D
The last letter of dog is G しりとりゲーム 「例」 I want a dog The last letter of dog is G
The last letter of gorilla is a しりとりゲーム 「例」 I want a gorilla The last letter of gorilla is a
The last letter of apple is e しりとりゲーム 「例」 I want an apple The last letter of apple is e
しりとりゲーム 「例」 Continue Until a team loses
Origami Christmas Tree
For Decorations Crayons/ color markers or pencils Tools Scissors Paper What you need For Decorations Crayons/ color markers or pencils Tools Scissors Paper
① fold the paper in half corner to corner.
② Open the shape and fold corner to corner again with the other corners.
③ Open the shape and turn the paper over. Fold side to side.
④ Open the shape and fold the other two sides together.
⑤ You should have four outer folds and four inner folds.
⑥ Next, fold halfway between each crease making sure the new folds alternate outer and inner folds.
⑦ The new shape includes eight outer folds and eight inner folds.
⑧ Fold the shape flat with four folds on each side and with a split between the bottom triangles
⑨ cut the bottom straight across.
⑩ Check if your tree can sit on something straight.
⑪ Open the folds.
⑫ Decorate、leave a small area at the top for the star
This is difficult. Listen carefully. Making the star This is difficult. Listen carefully.
⑬ Fold the shape flat again with five folds on one side and three on the other.
⑭ Near the point and at an angle, cut through the five folds and partially into the three folds *careful do not cut the top off*
⑮ Open the cut area to form the star shape.
Well done!!!