Objectives The students will learn why the Vikings left their homeland. The students will learn of the influence the Vikings had on Eastern and Western Europe, and North America.
Dark Ages With the end of the Western Roman Empire the people of Europe enter into a “Dark Ages.” The fall of Rome marked the death of education and literacy, sophisticated architecture, advanced economic interaction, and, not least, the rule of written law. The 'dark ages' which followed were dark not only because written sources were few and far between, but because life became nasty, brutish and short.
Why do you think the Vikings left their homeland of Scandinavia?
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 7
We can not stop the Viking raids without a strong central government Lifestyle was based on the sea. Vikings were pirates. To go “a-viking” meant to go on an overseas adventure. Men and women wore long hair. Married women were respected. Government: tribal units ruled by jarls Values: Culture of war --> blood feuds were common Education was not important Religion: worshipped many gods by crop and animal sacrifices Raided coastal villages throughout Europe, plundering, killing, burning and taking possessions. Lack of FARMLAND so needed to move! Europe was weak after Charlemagne’s empire fell apart. Viking longships and weaponry intimidated people of Europe. Vikings were experienced sailors, traders and explorers. NORWAY DENMARK We can not stop the Viking raids without a strong central government Viking power of intimidation kept Europe in a state of terror. Europeans looked to local lords to protect them. These raids contributed to the development of feudalism. Viking culture influenced some aspects of life in Europe. Vikings - HC
DIFFERENT VIKING ROLES OF DANES, NORWEGIANS AND SWEDES Vikings from Sweden, Norway and Denmark conquered different parts of the world. The Swedes sailed eastward following the great rivers to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea sailing far inland to what is today Russia. The Swedes were called Rus, which might be the origination of the term, Russia. The Norwegian Vikings traveled to the west in their adventuring. They discovered Iceland and Greenland, and sailed as far west as North America. The Danes sailed west and south toward England, France, Ireland, Spain and Italy. One Dane, named Ivar the Boneless, put together a great army and attacked and conquered the northwest part of England. Rolf the Walker attacked the French coast; the French king turned over what is known as Normandy – Northman’s Land – in return for peace. Eric the Red Leif Ericson
Viking Raids The Vikings attacked Britain's holy places, slaughtered the monks who lived there and carried away countless treasures. Well designed boats and convenient winds helped these raiders to come and go as they pleased. Britain was devastated - but what could be done against such ferocity? In 789 three Viking ships arrived on Britain's Wessex shore. The local official was sent to greet them, but he was killed on the spot. Four years later, Lindisfarne (Holy Island), a monastery on an island just off the English coast, was sacked. It was one of Britain's most sacred sites. The first Viking raids were hit-and-run affairs. Viking Battle Poetry The Viking’s Song
Immigrant Song
In the Early Middle Ages Franks Muslims Vikings Anglo-Saxons Papal States Magyars King Canute Tour Valhalla Viking Summary (17:05)
The Viking Legacy Many traces of their settlement have been unearthed and examined by archaeologists and specialists in early written sources. Remains of their daily life, boat-building, runic inscriptions, coins, sagas and place names provide evidence of how they lived, their language and stories. These tell us not only about their Scandinavian traditions, but also about how they engaged with their new environment and made it their own. Words we get from the Vikings Wonders of the Viking Universe Words we get from the Vikings Up Helly aa Words we get from the Vikings Viking Quest Viking Raids Game