JANUARY 19, 2017 Get out reading from yesterday and materials for notes Absolute Rulers of Europe HW: Vocab due Jan. 31
King or Queen has complete control over government & its people The Age of Absolutism 16th & 17th Centuries King or Queen has complete control over government & its people Autocracy Centralized Government
Monarchs based their claim on Divine Right Authority comes from God Absolutism Monarchs based their claim on Divine Right Authority comes from God Similar to “Mandate of Heaven” Monarchs are “Above the Law” Common features- Strong armies, limited representative bodies, high taxes
Breakdown of Feudalism Continuous Warfare Need for money Exploration Causes of Absolutism Breakdown of Feudalism Continuous Warfare Need for money Exploration Declining influence of the church
Regulation of religion & society Effects of Absolutism Regulation of religion & society Loss of power by nobility & legislatures New government (Bureaucracies) Huge building projects
1556 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V divides empire Absolutism in Spain The Hapsburg Monarchy 1556 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V divides empire Son Phillip II rules Spain, Netherlands & Italy
Promoted “Golden age of Spain” Philip II (1556-1598) Promoted “Golden age of Spain” Wealth from colonies helped buildup military Defender of Catholicism 1588-Spanish Armada defeated by England (Elizabeth I) 1600’s Spain power declines Financial problems
"The Ultimate Absolutist" Louis XIV "The Ultimate Absolutist" Known as “The Sun King” Ruled for 72 years Mercantilist policies Built the strongest army in Europe Expanded bureaucracy Never called the Estates General Persecuted the Huguenots French Protestants
Louis XIV Bio Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Njjd6R6d0
Palace of Versailles, France
Palace of Versailles Videos http://www.versailles3d.com/en/in-video/from-louis-xiii-to-the-french-revolution.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAbrHYdcrSs
Toured Europe learning new technologies Peter The Great 1682-1725 Grand Embassy tour Toured Europe learning new technologies Westernization/Modernization Introduced western ideas to Russia Laws, technology, culture
Built largest army in Europe Established St. Petersburg
Centralized power Reduced power of the nobility Brought Orthodox Church under his control
Russia under Peter the Great