LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Workers using their own vehicles for work purposes
Moderator Jerome Carslake E: NRSPP Manager ARRB Group P: +61 3 9881 1670 E:
Co - Moderator Darren Wishart Principal Professional Leader Safe Systems and Human Factors P: +61 7 3260 3525 E:
Today’s presenter Tania Leiman Associate Professor & Dean of Law College of Business, Government and Law P :+61 8 8201 3989 E:
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Today’s Agenda Definitions & Context Areas of Risk Emerging Issues Grey fleet; Worker UK and EU Areas of Risk Work Health & Safety Workers Compensation CTP schemes Licensing of Drivers Liability HVNL Emerging Issues Share economy Data & privacy
Grey Fleet? Vehicles used by a business but not owned by the business owned and used by workers to conduct business hired occasionally and used for business purposes Caroline Fall, ‘Ground breaking grey fleet survey highlights the risk to organisations’, Fleet News 21 October 2016
Worker? Different definitions in different legal contexts Very expansive definition Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (Cth) s.7
Why should we care? 2003 - 2016 ‘3,414 workers lost their lives in work-related incidents’ ‘39% of worker fatalities due to vehicle collision’ 39% = 1330 people killed + many more workers injured
Grey Fleet in UK & EU UK 40% of work vehicles are grey fleet 14 million grey fleet vehicles are in use 9 million vehicles are used for business journeys on a regular basis 62% of private car use is for work-related activity Not clear whether grey fleet use in Australia is comparable
Grey Fleet in UK & EU UK EU Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 s.1 explicit duty of care re use of any vehicle potential statutory liability for corporate manslaughter or corporate homicide EU European Framework Directive 89/391/EEC Requirement to undertake risk assessment
Grey Fleet in Australia No explicit legislative reference Other existing obligations Work Health & Safety Workers Compensation CTP schemes Licensing of drivers Common Law Negligence Heavy Vehicle National Law
Work Health & Safety Vehicle as a ‘workplace’ Person conducting business has duty to ‘ensure, so far as reasonably practicable’ health & safety of workers and other persons Implications: Maintenance of vehicles? Travelling times? Safety ratings and features? Driver training? Monitoring devices (e.g. alcohol interlock devices)
Workers Compensation ‘Employment-related’ journey Implications: Eligibility Employer knowledge re maintenance of vehicles? Travelling times? Safety ratings and features? Interaction with WHS & negligence claims? Unsafe systems of work
Emerging Issues… ‘Employment-related’ journeys and ride-sharing? What if … … a worker provided rideshare services to the public for fee whilst travelling in their own vehicle from one business location to another?
CTP schemes Schemes not nationally consistent Implications: Eligibility Proving fault Employer knowledge re maintenance of vehicles? Travelling times? Safety ratings and features? Interaction with WHS & WC claims?
Licensing of drivers P platers, conditional licences, international drivers’ licences Implications: Is licence appropriate? Is licence restricted? Is vehicle type appropriate?
Criminal & Civil Liability Director’s duties Foreseeability of harm Vicarious liability Implications: Assessing risk Managing risk & taking precautions Liability for worker’s actions Personal & Corporate liability
Emerging Issues… ‘Foreseeability’ and vehicle recalls? What if … … a business knew their workers used their own vehicles for work purposes and those vehicles were the subject of a vehicle recall but recall-related fixes had not yet been carried out?
Emerging Issues… ‘Foreseeability’ and vehicle data? What if … … a business required workers to keep data about the use of their own vehicles for work purposes and that data revealed a risk of harm?
Emerging Issues… Privacy and vehicle data? What if … … a business required workers to keep data about the use of their own vehicles for work purposes and that data revealed personal / confidential information about that worker?
Heavy Vehicle National Law Chain of responsibility ‘any person who can influence or control the transport chain’ Implications: Compliance Vehicle standards and maintenance Travelling times Driver fitness Safe practices
Grey Fleet Summary Liability dependent on jurisdiction, legal context & wording of specific legislative provisions Liability may differ across jurisdictions & contexts. ‘Workplace’ includes vehicle Employers have duties to workers and others Legislative definitions ‘reasonably practicable’ and ‘reasonable precautions’ can provide general guide for prospectively assessing risks of harm re grey fleet use
Top Take-away Now is the time to take grey fleet issues seriously… … before they are a problem