Where was I when earth’s foundations were all laid?


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Presentation transcript:

Where was I when earth’s foundations were all laid? Who measured them, then placed the corner stone? Who let the oceans burst? Wrapped clouds around the earth? Could I have done it on my own? Who instructed falling night? And showed the morning light The cold immense recesses of the deep? Dare I think I might supplant The Maker of this vast expanse? I dare not.  

Can I say to where the lightning is dispersed Can I say to where the lightning is dispersed? Can I cut the channels for torrential rain? Make paths for thunderstorms Or make the tropics warm? Am I father of bananas and the cane? Do I make the dew drops glisten? Just by hoping it and wishing? Can I stop the thunder sounding when it cracks? Dare I doubt for just one hour His vast creative power? I dare not.

Who bound the stars or placed the Southern Cross Who bound the stars or placed the Southern Cross? Who brings each constellation from its birth? Who legislated all the universal laws? And set up all dimensions over earth? Do the water, dust and clouds Or the bees that buzz the flowers Obey me if I whisper out their names? Dare I try to be a tower next to His creative power? I dare not.

Who gave the emu wings to flap with joy Who gave the emu wings to flap with joy? Yet she cannot fly, like a pelican; And through the drought and storm She keeps her eggs all warm Yet heavy feet may crush them in the sand Though hunted by a prey With her young chicks gone away She frets not that her labour was in vain Dare I boast I’m smart enough to tell emus how to love? I dare not.

Can I question or refute God’s just commands? Do I need Him now to justify me? Do I have an arm or voice? That clothes me at my choice With glory, splendour, majesty? What have I done to be proud? Is my glory praised out loud? Can I barter or correct Almighty God? Dare I tame His might with rope or a fishhook from a boat? I dare not. Lyrics by Andrew Davis based on the final chapters of Job Composed Andrew Davis © Davis Waddell 2018