Digital Parcel Mapping Preston County July 8, 2009
Creating a tax parcel split Identify parcel to be split Parent parcel is identified by query Parcel is located off road center line
Parcel Identification Verify status of surrounding parcels Parcels that have been entered by coordinate geometry in ArcView Parcel identification includes owner name, address, legal description, deed book & page, date modified.
AutoCAD Dataset Dataset created from AutoCAD that previously housed tax maps Used to determine parcels that were entered by Co-Go to AutoCAD from survey or deed
Displacement AutoCAD to ArcView Radial Displacement 1960 Aerial 1-24000 SAMB Aerial 1-4800 Latitude/longitude shift NAD 83 1”=400’ NAD 27 1”=2000’ Shift and rotate to correct Retains parcel integrity
Challenges Roads Annotations Labeling Varying widths Parcels surveyed to varying boundary widths Annotations 2010_11-0005.pdf Labeling 2009_10-0014.pdf
Appraiser Copy for Field Work
Useful in Research
Practical Community Applications Study area identified
Tax Map Created
Information Provided Current tax map and parcel number Current owner for tax purposes Current address Current legal description Current deed book and page
Neighborhood Identification
Census Tract/Owner Identification
Preston County Assessor Terri L. Funk Created and Presented by Connie R. Ervin, GISP 106 W. Main St. Ste. 101 Kingwood, WV 26537 304-329-1220