Modernization of Japan Meiji Restoration Modernization of Japan
Japanese Isolationism Japanese had little contact with the outside world between 1640 and 1853 They did trade with China and Dutch Indonesia as well as diplomatic contact with Korea Importance of trade was increasing in the world
Japan Opens Up 1853 US Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in Tokyo Harbor with four ships fitted with massive cannons The Japanese were intimidated by the power of the United States Perry delivered a polite letter asking for trade rights
Japan Opens Up Perry delivered the letter with a threat he would come back with a larger fleet if the Japanese did not comply The Treaty of Kanagawa of 1854 opened Japanese ports for trade with the US More countries followed
Meiji Comes to Power Japanese people were upset over the shogun giving in to the Americans The emperor took control from the shogun and chose the name Meiji for his reign Meiji realized Japan needed to modernize to counter Western Influence
Meiji Comes to Power They adopted the best the West had to offer German government and Army British Navy American universal education system and brought in foreign teachers State supported companies built thousands of factories Traditional industries like tea and silk production continued Shipbuilding developed