CROQF sectoral councils: the concept, roles and recent developments Barbi Svetec BHQFHE meeting Sarajevo, 12 July 2016 1
Sectoral councils Sectoral councils are advisory and professional bodies ensuring the development of human potential in line with labour market needs within respective sectors. Sectoral councils: - validate proposals of units of learning outcomes, occupational standards and qualifications standards; - analyse existing and required competences covered by a sector; - give recommendations to the National Council about admission policies, admission quota and financing of qualifications from public sources, by qualification and by county; - give recommendations to the ministry responsible for education and science about changes in qualifications standards based on changes detected in occupational standards; - give recommendations to the ministry responsible for labour about changes in the National Classification of Occupations; - propose recommendations for sector development to the National Council; - follow and analyse implementation of recommendations given to the National Council; - propose the annual action plan and submit reports on its implementation to the National Council 2
Members of sectoral councils Each sectoral council comprises a president and 10 members appointed for a four-year period. A sectoral council is composed of: 3 representatives of competent institutions: • 1 representative of the ministry responsible for a respective sector • 1 representative of the Croatian Employment Service • 1 representative of the agency responsible for science and higher education / agency responsible for vocational education and adult education / agency responsible for education and teacher training 8 sectoral experts appointed on grounds of a public call: • 2 representatives of employers • 3 representatives of educational institutions • 1 representative of a union representing the economic sector • 1 representative of a union representing the education sector • 1 representative of a professional association 4
Selection of members of sectoral councils (public call) Candidates can apply for membership as individuals or can be proposed by a relevant institution. Selection is done by the Committee for selection of members of sectoral councils. Candidates have to meet the following basic criteria prescribed by the Ordinance on the CROQF Register: - have at least 5 years of experience in jobs relevant for the area of expertise of a specific sectoral council; - have a qualification relevant for a specific sectoral council. 5
In the process of selecting candidates, special account is taken of Additional elements taken into account by the Committee are the following: - motivation for membership in a sectoral council; - performing work of social value; - practical experience in the development of a sector; - experience which includes various practices (public/private sector); - experience coming from work within a sector; - international activities; - special achievements. In the process of selecting candidates, special account is taken of - representation of maximum number of areas within a sector; - proportional representation of different levels of education. Ordinance on the CROQF Register defines that there are 25 Sectoral Councils covering all educational, scientific, labour market and economy sectors. During decision making on the number of sectors, the Committee I mentioned before, gave consideration to already existing 13 vocational sectors, ISCED and FOET nomenclature, as well as national regulation governing scientific fields and areas and National Classification of Occupations In July 2014 Ministry of science, education and sports published an open public call for nomination of experts for 6 out of 25 Sectoral councils (open public call closed on September 22, 2014) Up to now, three Sectoral Councils were nominated in December 2014 and January 2015, and those are: Sectoral Council I. Agriculture, food and veterinary Sectoral Council II. Forestry and wood technology Sectoral Council VI. Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metalurgy An open public call for nomination of experts for remaining 19 Sectoral councils was issued in December 2014 (open public call closed on January 19, 2015) and the selecetion procedure has just started. - Okrenuti na idući slajd - 6
Sectoral councils I. Agriculture, food and veterinary II. Forestry and wood technology XV. Mathematics, physics, geography, geophisycs, chemistry and biology III. Mining, geology and chemical industry XVI. Basic technical sciences IV. Textile and leather XVII. Aviation, rocket and space technology V. Graphic technology XVIII. Informations and communications VI. Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metalurgy VII. Electrical engineering and computer engineering XIX. Law, political science, sociology, state administration and public works XX. Psychology, educational rehabilitation, speech therapy and social work VIII. Construction and geodesy XXI. Education and sport IX. Economy and trade X. Tourism and hospitality XXII. Philosophy, teology and religion sciences XXIII. History, science of art, archeolgy, etnology and antropology XI. Transport and logistics XII. Health XXIV. Security and defence XIII. Personal and other services XXV. Filology XIV. Arts Ordinance on the CROQF Register defines that there are 25 Sectoral Councils covering all educational, scientific, labour market and economy sectors. During decision making on the number of sectors, the Committee I mentioned before, gave consideration to already existing 13 vocational sectors, ISCED and FOET nomenclature, as well as national regulation governing scientific fields and areas and National Classification of Occupations In July 2014 Ministry of science, education and sports published an open public call for nomination of experts for 6 out of 25 Sectoral councils (open public call closed on September 22, 2014) Up to now, three Sectoral Councils were nominated in December 2014 and January 2015, and those are: Sectoral Council I. Agriculture, food and veterinary Sectoral Council II. Forestry and wood technology Sectoral Council VI. Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and metalurgy An open public call for nomination of experts for remaining 19 Sectoral councils was issued in December 2014 (open public call closed on January 19, 2015) and the selecetion procedure has just started. - Okrenuti na idući slajd - 7
Work of sectoral councils Rules of Procedure adopted by the minister responsible for education and science General work plan for 2016 meetings of sectoral councils coordination meetings of presidents of sectoral councils coordinated by the sectoral councils coordinator (MSES, member of the National Council) The CROQF Register is the national database of qualifications comprised from three sub – registers: - subregister of occupational standards - subregister of qualifications standards - subregister of units of learning outcomes The CROQF Register is an open – access on line database where procedure for entry into the Register shall start at the request of any legal entity or a natural person, as well as at the request of national authorities providing that their interest has reasonable grounds. Standards in the CROQF Register will set a clear criteria on expected competences and units of learning outcomes every learner should aquire by the end of his/hers educational path. Sectoral Councils will have a key role in the validation of requests for the entry of standards into the CROQF Register - Development and implementation of the CROQF Register will be done through two phases: By the end of 2015 the CROQF Register will reach full functionality necessary for submission of requests of occupational standards, qualifications standards and standards of units of learning outcomes for entry into Register By the end of 2016 the CROQF Register will reach full functionality necessary for submission of requests for entry of programmes for acquisition of qualifications, requests for entry of programmes for acquisition and evaluation of units of learning outcomes and requests for entry of programmes for evaluation of units of learning outcomes Development of the CROQF Register is managed and coordinated by the Section for Croatian Qualifications Framework in the Ministry for Science, Education and Sports in cooperation with Ministry of labour and pension system and University of Zagreb Computing Centre – SRCE Development and implementation of the CROQF Register will in part be financed by EQF National Coordination Point grant for development of National Qualifications Databases, which brings us to my last slide. Okrenuti na idući slajd - 8
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Labour and Pension System education of members of sectoral councils: introductory workshops on the concept, mechanisms and tools of the CROQF workshops on the methodology of development and validation and occupational standards workshops on the methodology of development and validation of qualifications standards workshops on validation of units of learning outcomes Guidelines for validation of occupational standards (MLPS) Guidelines for validation of qualifications standards (MZOS) Guidelines for making recommendations for changes and improvements in the National Classification of Occupations (MSES and MLPS) continuous monitoring and administrative support (MSES) The CROQF Register is the national database of qualifications comprised from three sub – registers: - subregister of occupational standards - subregister of qualifications standards - subregister of units of learning outcomes The CROQF Register is an open – access on line database where procedure for entry into the Register shall start at the request of any legal entity or a natural person, as well as at the request of national authorities providing that their interest has reasonable grounds. Standards in the CROQF Register will set a clear criteria on expected competences and units of learning outcomes every learner should aquire by the end of his/hers educational path. Sectoral Councils will have a key role in the validation of requests for the entry of standards into the CROQF Register - Development and implementation of the CROQF Register will be done through two phases: By the end of 2015 the CROQF Register will reach full functionality necessary for submission of requests of occupational standards, qualifications standards and standards of units of learning outcomes for entry into Register By the end of 2016 the CROQF Register will reach full functionality necessary for submission of requests for entry of programmes for acquisition of qualifications, requests for entry of programmes for acquisition and evaluation of units of learning outcomes and requests for entry of programmes for evaluation of units of learning outcomes Development of the CROQF Register is managed and coordinated by the Section for Croatian Qualifications Framework in the Ministry for Science, Education and Sports in cooperation with Ministry of labour and pension system and University of Zagreb Computing Centre – SRCE Development and implementation of the CROQF Register will in part be financed by EQF National Coordination Point grant for development of National Qualifications Databases, which brings us to my last slide. Okrenuti na idući slajd - 9 With this i would conclude my presentation and direct you to a website where you can find more information on the current developments and implementation of CROQF. Also, on the bottom is an e-mail where you can always contact us in case you happen to have additional questions. Now, if it we still have enough time i will take any questions you might have, concerning what was presented. If not, i would like to thank you for your attention. 10