Campus Area Housing Rountable Myrick Center February 15, 2018
AGENDA Market Conditions Crime Issues Rehabilitation Funding Zoning and Alcohol Open Comment
New Campus Area High Density Development Since 2013 Biondo-8th and La Crosse (2012): 9 Units 1022 Vine (2012): 3 Units Benson-Vine and 13th (2012) 5 Units 410 9th Street N (2012) 2 Units Alberty 10th and State (2013) 40 Units 418 11th Street N (2014) 6 Units Benson-Pine and 13th (2014) 18 Units 360 Aguilera (2015) 57 Units Biondo-West and La Crosse (2015): 32 Units Sawyer-11th and La Crosse (2016-Pending): 18 Units Rousch-7th and La Crosse (2016): 29 Units 360-Campbell Road (2017): 24 Units 360-415 6th Street N (2017): 113 Units Gerrard Corp-1002-1020 Vine (2018): Unknown Total: 356+
Market Conditions-Rental Conversions
Market Conditions
Market Conditions
Neighborhood Areas
Market Conditions 16% Owner Occupied UW Extension
Market Conditions 62% Owner Occupied
Market Conditions
Market Conditions
Campus Area Crime Mapping
Crime Density 2014-2016 Documented Crime
Rental Related Rehabilitation Funding Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program Up to $25K + $5K per unit-1% deferred interest, must be a La Crosse resident, meet income requirements, up to 4 units-one must be owner occupied. Floodplain Relief Grant Program Up to $20K per parcel to obtain a LOMR through engineering and ocnstruction-90% reimbursement program. CouleeCap Rental Rehabilitation Loan 1-3.25% interest loan up to 6 years. 51% of tenants must meet LMI requirements and property must be within a strategic area Focus on Energy Rebate-type funding for assessments and repairs for eligible improvements for air sealing and insulation. Rental Conversion Program Loans of up to $40K, 20% forgivable for rental conversion to owner occupied with deed restriction
Zoning and Alcohol Courts have consistently confirmed municipal regulation of alcohol establishments even where State’s have preempted control over alcohol establishments. Secondary Impact Studies can allow cities to regulate the location of alcohol establishments typically through setback or separation clauses. Regulations may include separation requirements, setbacks from other uses, concentration limits and hours of operation.
Open Comments-Roundtable Discussion