Vilijam Lajmanovski 075-763-179 078-432-166 Catalyzing Market Transformation for Industrial Energy Efficiency and Accelerating Investments in Best Practices and Technologies in Macedonia implemented through UNIDO and REC Macedonia Vilijam Lajmanovski Mechanical Engineer Completed UNIDO expert training on Energy Management Systems (EnMS) Implementation in Industry & industrial Steam Systems Optimization (SSO) 075-763-179 078-432-166 … Limitation in time prevents me from expressing adequate thanks …
Implementation of Energy Management System in line with ISO 50001 During the training (2015-2016), I supported the Energy Manager of Knauf, teaming up with Jasminka Dimitrova Kapac, in implementing EnMS in line with ISO 50001 Knauf has paid attention to energy before the Project and had implemented numerous investment projects As a result of the EnMS, the following energy related issues improved: Original monitoring of energy performance by energy spent per unit of production switched to setting and monitoring Energy Performance Indicators using regression analyses No and low-cost measures, such as improved operational control, have gained higher priority Automated data gathering and processing for the EnMS implementation has been sought Knauf, as a corporation, started developing a new policy of monitoring energy performance, to replace the obsolete approach based on specific energy consumption
Sample Regression Analyses
Low Cost Energy Saving Opportunities
Steam System Optimization During the training (2015-2016), I implemented Energy (Steam System) Savings Assessment (ESA) in the Mining and Thermal Power Plant (REK) Bitola, teaming up with Mirko Ristevski First Step: establishment of current system conditions and operating parameters followed by an understanding of both the supply and demand sides of the system: Second Step: identification of energy saving opportunities, taking into account the whole system, including steam production, distribution and consumption. Third Step: Executing simple cost & benefit analyses and estimating the payback period; Fourth Step: Developing recommendations for the Steam System Optimization including also recommendations for each proposed measure.
General Observations of Potential Opportunities:
Using Knowledge Gained from the Project in my Professional Work I learned how to understand and set a company's energy demand profile, inclusive of significant energy users (SEUs) By setting energy baseline regression models (including baseload and energy drivers), I can look deeper into the real energy performance and identify saving opportunities; It helped me doing forecasts with reasonable accuracy, of future energy consumption of a plant, utility or process. Knowing the future consumption and as a result of prioritizing energy saving measures, I can set informed Energy Performance Indicators (and saving targets); I first look into improvements of operational control: fixing leakages, improving the working regime - adjusting operating parameters and turning off redundant equipment; I realized behavioral patterns are worth exploring and changing them can always be most beneficial, but also challenging. … building design is not an amateur activity … it is highly technical … … imagine going to a medical school …
Latest Projects Cooperation with the Design Company PRIMATEHNA Bitola Utilization of waste heat from the refrigerating chamber and tunnel for freezing with the need of hot water in the production process of juices. Integrated heat pump in a dairy plant Ventilation and adiabatic indirect cooling structures for breeding animals … to provide a view of what our lives and our commerce will become of the next few decades …
Challenges in the industrial energy efficiency market Prejudices exist that EnMS represents only energy monitoring; it is not understood that it is a systematic approach which: helps understanding where, why and how energy is used, builds an in-house expertise towards continuously improving energy performance Companies are interested in instant energy efficiency solutions, while implementing an EnMS takes time and requires highest commitment of the top management and the staff Despite potential benefits, they are hesitant to put efforts in implementing EnMS unless it is a legal requirement, or it is associated with incentives As a result, convincing an industrial company to hire consulting services for setting an EnMS in place remains a big challenge To embrace opportunities of EnMS in line with ISO 50001, the authorities and industry should discuss on creating an enabling environment for replicating the successful stories generated during the Project