Effective use and enforcement of by-laws Amanda Farmer Lawyers Chambers on Riley
Two enforcement methods Notice to comply Adjudicator’s order to comply Different, but may be complementary…
Notice to comply Current law New law (due Nov/Dec 2016) Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 Section 45 Section 146 Approved by OC or Committee resolution, unless strata manager has been delegated the function Correct form is vital Proof of service For breaches of by-laws only
Get a copy of the form... www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au Menu: Tenants and Home Owners Strata schemes By-laws in a strata scheme (scroll to bottom) Notice to comply with a by-law in PDF format
Penalty for failure to comply Current law New law Section 203 Section 147 Penalty up to $550 Penalty up to $1100 for first breach, up to $2200 for second breach within 12 months of earlier penalty order. For breach of occupancy limits (section 137) penalty up to $5,500 first offence, $10,000 second offence. Application must be made within 12 months of notice to comply Application must be made within 12 months of notice to comply. Second notice not required for second breach. Penalty payable to Fair Trading (part can go to OC, if OC carried out work) Penalty payable to OC in full, and can be recovered as unpaid contribution (s 248) Current law
Successful penalty application Direct evidence (photo, video, statements in affidavit/statutory declaration form) Witnesses to give evidence, be cross-examined Repeat offender, with no reasonable excuse Penalty is last resort Note it is a penalty only. Not an order to comply Tribunal may make a cost order (current law: s 204) Cost order operates as judgment in favour of the OC Cost order may be more than the penalty...
Adjudicator’s order Current law New law Application for mediation (s 128) Application for mediation (s 216) Application for adjudicator’s order (s 138) Written submissions Determined ‘on the papers’ by Adjudicator Application to for Tribunal order (s 232) ?? One round of submissions Determined in person before Member Appeal to Tribunal (s 177) Appeal to Appeal Panel of Tribunal (s 80 Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013)
Successful application for adjudicator’s order What order do you want? Citing relevant by-law / section of the Act that has been breached Detailed evidence of breach View submissions of other side at NCAT registry (will not be served) Decision may take up to 4 months.
Penalty for breach of adjudicator’s order Breach within 2 years of order being made: - Penalty up to $5,500 (current law) - Penalty up to $11,000 (new law) Penalties do not go to OC Application for penalty is to the Tribunal Same principles apply as for breach of notice to comply
Back to basics... Foster a sense of community to avoid bad behaviour Use the five-step framework: 1. Is this by-law really necessary ? 2. Does it conform to modern social and broader community standards? 3. Does the proposal provide options and alternatives for individual behaviour? 4. It is practical and enforceable? 5. Is it lawful? [“Growing Up” – by Michael Teys]
Problem by-laws Model by-law 2: vehicles An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
The new law to the rescue... s 112(3): enter into a licence agreement with the local council about parking areas s 125: owners corporation has the power to dispose of abandoned goods (including motor vehicles) on common property DRAFT regulation 34: process for how to remove motor vehicles from common property
Another problem by-law... Model by-law 5: damage to common property (1) ...must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation... Does not prevent installation of locking or safety device...
Solution: get a better by-law Current model by-law 11: The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.
The new law Proposed new model by-law 2: ...may install, without the consent of the owners corporation...any locking or other safety device ... (3) Clause (1) does not apply to the installation of any thing that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the lot or to reduce the level of safety in the lots or common property.
Short term letting? Article: www.lawyerschambers.com.au/short-term-letting-in-strata Podcast – interview with Karen Stiles, OCN: www.yourstrataproperty.com.au/003-short-term-letting/
Smoking Current law New law Section 117 Section 153 Must not use or enjoy the lot in such a manner as to cause as nuisance or hazard Must not use or enjoy the lot in such a manner as to cause a nuisance or hazard Can be relied on to pursue nuisance arising from smoking Specific notation: “Depending on the circumstances in which it occurs, the penetration of smoke from smoking into a lot or common property may cause a nuisance or hazard and may interfere unreasonably with the use or enjoyment of the common property or another lot.”
Proposed new model by-laws DRAFT Regulation – Schedule 3 Three options (option A is default) Owner or occupier to ensure smoke does not penetrate to common property or another lot Above, plus: must not smoke on the common property except with written approval of the OC. Smoke must not penetrate other lot Option A, plus: must not smoke on the common property.
Detailed smoking by-laws Recommended What is “smoking”? E-cigarettes? To what extent is the owner responsible for occupier? Consent conditions? See example here: www.cancercouncil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Examples-of-smoke-free-strata-by-laws.pdf
Landlord fined $11,000 for smoking neighbour October 2015 – NCAT decision: Bhandari v Laming [2015] NSWCATAP 224 Tenancy decision Mother and child renting unit. Chain-smoking elderly neighbour downstairs Strata did nothing about the chain-smoker. No by-law in place Landlord has duty to rent a liveable residence to mother and child Landlord fined $11,000
Group exercise: Tommy the Terrible THANK YOU Group exercise: Tommy the Terrible