An Inspector Calls Question Analysis An Inspector Calls has been called ‘a play of contrasts’. Write about how Priestley presents some of the contrasts in the play.
Plan and Ideas Contrasts Male and Female Belief and Reality High class and Low class Old Money and New Money Young and Old Capitalist and Socialist This shows some of the most important contrasts highlighted by Priestley. He uses these contrasts to express his views and opinions.
This shows the gap between men and women in 1910’s society This creates a rift between the male and the female This use of stage directions helps to separate the couple, along with the women going to the drawing room “Arthur Birling at one end, his wife at the other” Male and Female
Young and Old Old money and New money Sheila and Eric and more liberalist and socialist in their views. Sybil and Arthur are more conservative in the views. Sheila is more willing to change than Sybil, showing that the young are less stubborn and set in their ways. By doing this, Priestley shows that hope of change lies with the youth Old money and New money Arthur Birling has come from no money and shows this by still retaining his accent. Gerald has come from a rich background, “rather too manly to be a dandy”, however he does not let his and Sheila's difference in class stop their relationship. ‘Birling and Co’ has been built up to the standard of collaborating with ‘Crofts Ltd’ Priestley is against the methods of exploitation used by the nouvea riche capitalists.
Upper Class and Lower Class Priestley wants to challenge the ideas of social hierarchy Priestley does this to present the class system in 20th England This shows a slight distrust of the less established class Crofts don’t show up to the engagement dinner
Belief and Reality This shows how there is a chance to change your ways This creates tension and excitement Unexpected denouement suddenly shows that things are not as they seem “No girl has died here today”