Roles of a Media Specialist


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Presentation transcript:

Roles of a Media Specialist Welcome to the power point Roles of a Media Specialist by DeeAnn Robinson. By DeeAnn Robinson

American Association of School Librarians States: “In their unique roles as information specialist, teacher, and instructional consultant, library media specialists actively participate in both the planning and implementation of outcomes-based education.” According to the American Association of School Librarians Position Statement on the Role of Media Specialist they state that “In their unique roles as information specialist, teacher, and instructional consultant, library media specialists actively participate in both the planning and implementation of outcomes-based education.”

Many Roles of a Media Specialist Teacher Instructional Partner Information Specialist Program Administrator As media specialist we are called on to perform many task within our school setting. The four most common roles of a media specialist are: Teacher, Instructional Partner, Informational Specialist, and Program Administrator.

Teacher Collaborates with students Locates and uses materials Plans, implements, and evaluates programs and lessons Integrates literacy skills Teaches research skills Knowledgeable about current research Provides staff development for teachers The roles of media specialists are to collaborate with students and the learning community to determine their informational needs. The media specialist also locates and uses materials to meet the needs of the learning community. She plans, implements, and evaluates programs and lessons. The media specialist integrates literacy skills into lesson. She also teachers research skills to the students that can be used in the media center as well as later in life. In addition to teaching students in the media center the media specialist is also a teacher to the faculty and staff. The media specialist is knowledgeable about current research in the areas of teaching and technology and provides staff development to support this research to the teachers. Many times teachers require daily or weekly support in the area of technology.

Instructional Partner Information Power: Guidelines For School Library Media Programs states: “A fundamental responsibility of the library media specialist is to provide the leadership and expertise necessary to ensure that the library media program is an integral part of the instructional program of the school.” (AASL/AECT, 1988) Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs states: “A fundamental responsibility of the library media specialist is to provide the leadership and expertise necessary to ensure that the library media program is an integral part of the instructional program of the school.”

Instructional Partner Plans collaboratively with teachers Help teachers in the design, implementation, and evaluation of instruction Provide information on available resources Provide information on new technology As an instructional partner the media specialist collaborates with teachers to help design, implement, and evaluate instruction to ensure that the media program is an integral part of the curriculum. The media specialists also provides information on the available resources that teachers may want to use in their lessons. A media specialist can provide the teachers with their expertise in the area of technology to enhance their lessons that have a technology component. Many times media specialist can also provide access to various types of media and technology that teachers might not consider using when developing their lessons.

Information Specialist Provides students and teachers with information skills for gathering, acquiring, and applying information Models strategies for locating, accessing, and evaluating materials Previews and selects resources in all formats Makes teachers and administrators aware of new resources and technologies available Serves as a resource for technology support in the school As an Information Specialist the media specialist can provide students and teachers with information skills to help them with gathering, acquiring, and applying information in the media center. They also model strategies for locating, accessing, and evaluating material in and out of the media center. The media specialist previews and selects new resources in all formats to be used in the media center. Media specialist also have the responsibility of ordering materials for the media center that meet the needs of the learning community. She also makes teachers and administrators aware of the new resources and technologies available. As a media specialist you serve as a resource for technology support within the school. Technology is ever changing and it is the job of the media specialist to keep up with the new equipment and trends dealing with technology. This will help the media specialist provide current information as well as support to the teachers and students. Media specialist can best perform these tasks because they have the resources in the media center to help them model and teach these skills.

Program Administrator Develops the policies and procedures Directs all activities related to the media center Promotes literacy Joins professional organizations Advocates for the media program Highlights programs to parents and community Ensures that the media program is part of the instructional program Manages staff, budget, equipment, and facilities Orders materials As a Program Administrator the media specialist develops the policies and procedures for the media center and the media program. The media specialist directs all activities related to the media center like the daily operation, as well as activities such as book fairs twice a year. The media specialist promotes literacy though daily read alouds and special programs. As a media specialist it is important to join professional organization such as American Association of School Librarians, American Library Association, and the Georgia Library Association. One important job for a media specialist is to advocate for the library media program through elected officials that support the media programs within schools. As a Program Administrator the media specialist should also highlight programs to parents and the community through book fairs and family reading nights. As a media specialist you should ensure that the media program is a very important part of the instructional program by planning lessons that are aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards. Facility management, staff, budget, and equipment are areas that the media specialist must work on daily. The ordering of materials is also one of the administrative jobs that a media specialist is responsible for to ensure that the learning community has the needed material for any of their curricular endeavors.

Final Thoughts Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning states: “Students today live in a challenging, exciting world of information within a society that is increasingly dependent on knowledge. A dynamic, student-centered library media program fosters information literacy and lifelong learning—the basis for true information power. The school library media specialist’s opportunities for cultivating authentic, information-based learning have never been greater, and the responsibilities are also more crucial than ever before.” Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning states: “Students today live in a challenging, exciting world of information within a society that is increasingly dependent on knowledge. A dynamic, student-centered library media program fosters information literacy and lifelong learning—the basis for true information power. The school library media specialist’s opportunities for cultivating authentic, information-based learning have never been greater, and the responsibilities are also more crucial than ever before.” It is clear that each of the 4 roles of a media specialist are important to all school library media programs. All of the tasks performed in these 4 roles help promote and maintain the library media program.

References ALA | AASL Position Statement on the Role of the Library Media Specialist in Outcomes-Based Education. (n.d.). ALA | Home - American Library Association. Retrieved June 16, 2010, from ionstatementrolelibrary.cfm Berkowitz., E., R., Eisenberg., & B. , M. (n.d.). Curriculum Roles and Responsibilities of Library Media Specialists. Library Instruction.Com - Resources for Library Instruction.. Retrieved June 8, 2010, from School Library Media Programs: Library Media Specialist--Four Roles. (n.d.). Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD. Retrieved June 8, 2010, from http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd various. (1998). Collaboration, Leadership, and Technology. Information Power,Building Partnerships for Learning, 1998 publication (p. 47). United States: American Library Association,1998.