NAMEA Task Force on Transport Issues on 1-2 March 2012 Relevance and problems of Air Emissions Accounting – german experiences and solutions focusing.


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Presentation transcript:

NAMEA Task Force on Transport Issues on 1-2 March 2012 Relevance and problems of Air Emissions Accounting – german experiences and solutions focusing on transport issues

Outline of the presentation I: 1) Outline of the presentation I: 1) NAMEA Handbook - Prescriptions and definitions regards generation of air emission accounts in general and specifically regards the “bridging items” 2) Traffic emissions and energy use in the german Accounts: Road-, air-, water- and railway transport 3) Clarifications necessary regards obligatory NAMEA-reporting, NAMEA Handbook and national data generation ANNEX

1) NAMEA Handbook (p. 25): “Eurostats Air Emissions Accounts record net flows of residual gaseous and particulate materials into the air that originate from the national economy … and … ending up in either the national or RoW-environment.” Necessary adjustments of “inventory data” for reaching “accounting data”: a) Exclusion of “non-economic agents (nature)” (p.49) b) Inclusion of biomass emissions (good emissions) (p.49) c) “As far as stationary emission sources are concerned, the coverage of emission inventories is consistent with the resident principle …” (p. 50) d) “…, the adjustments related to the territory-versus-residential principle are primarily related to transport emissions and in some cases also to fishing.” (p. 50)

Proposed adjustment procedure 1) Bridging items - Transport and fishing adjustments according to NAMEA Handbook: Transport activity Proposed adjustment procedure Comment Road transport – passengers & freight Differentiation of journeys into domestic/international and residents/non-residents units (p.50) Statistical basis for journeys? What are the Initial value(s) from where the adjustment starts? Railway transport Only … “if there are substantial operations of domestic trains internationally or non-resident trains on the national territory” (p.50) Effects of privatisation? TGV Paris-Frankfurt or Orient-Express Berlin-Istanbul? Pipeline … there may be some unclear issues regarding residence when these are located in international waters as well as import or export issues regarding the energy used to move products in the pipeline” (p.50) Data basis in Germany available for determining the inland energy use for pipeline transport. Split between residential pipeline-transport emissions and non-residential seems difficult!!!

1) Transport and fishing adjustments according to NAMEA Handbook: Transport activity Proposed adjustment procedure Comment Water transport Determination of household emissions outside own territory can be neglectable (for most countries?) “… for water transport economic activity (shipping) the bunkering of fuels by the units (identical to road transport) needs to be identified and the emissions from the bunkered fuels needs to be used to adjust the Air Emissions Accounts appropriately” (p.51) Compared to road transport only very restricted info source, namely only bunkering. Germany (BAFA) differentiates only between national and international bunkering. Air transport Specification completely identical to road transport! (p.51) Air transport (and also water transport) are carried out of course outside land. Therefore the territorial aspect is not so easy or evident as for road and railway transport.

Concept - denomination 1) Balancing concepts: Concept - denomination Explanation Comment “Territory related inventory data” (TID) acc. to NAMEA p. 51 TID = EMIR(d) + EMINR(d) + EMIR(I) + EMINR(I) D = domestic journeys; R = Residents I = international journeys leaving from d Acc. To my view this is wrongly named! It’s an inventory related to territorial bunkering “Air emission accounts” (AEA); p. 51 AEA = EMIR(d) + EMIR(I) + EMIR(A) OK!!! Real TID RTID = EMIR(d) + EMINR(d) All traffic operations inside the national borders!

2) Traffic emissions in the german Accounts: a) Road transport For Germany: There’s a big variety of conceptual approaches, data sources and datasets available especially regards vehicles, mileage, energy consumption and transport performance. Only EA and Destatis cares for integration of performance and environmental aspects Main tasks for the Accounts: Establishment of relations between vehicle owners and economic activities Attachment of vehicles, mileage and emissions to economic activities Adjustment of the characteristic values with regard to residential reference points Determination of “bridging items” regards passenger and goods transport

Approach and utilisation 2) Traffic emissions in the german Accounts: a) Road transport – main data suppliers Institution Data set Approach and utilisation Vehicle Register – KBA - Flensburg Annual data set on cars registered in Germany broken down by 23 types of owners (economic classification), up to 10 cylinder capacity classes, about 10 “emission-type-classes” and the day of first registration Residential approach (regards owners); transformation to the A*64 aggregation level at one side and the TREMOD car specification (567 types) at the other side German EA / IFEU Heidelberg Transport Emission Model – TREMOD – based on the Handbook for Emission Factors for Road Transport – HBEFA, the national Energy Balance and various other sources broken down by 657 types of cars Inland mileage approach (not: inland bunkering approach!!!) including e.g. also transit Conjunction of TREMOD with the car owner data set from KBA for the generation of the TEAM DIW-Berlin charged by the ministry of traffic Annual data set on quantity, average and cumulative mileage of registered cars broken down by 8 types of cars Residential approach (regards mileage); Adjustment of the transport emission accounting matrix (TEAM)

2) Traffic emissions in the german Accounts: a) Road transport aggregated values for 2009 Vehi-cles Mile-age CO2 (incl. Bio) CH4 N2O NOx NMHC 7 other pollu-tants Energy   1000 Mio. km 1000 Tons tons TJ PKW (PC) 42.020 591.652 109.374 5.642 2.120 229.862 100.694 ... 1.504.828 LKW (HGV) 335 16.554 8.015 62 197 54.795 2.514 … 108.653 LNF (LUV) 1.876 37.520 8.266 140 226 41.133 3.231 112.229 LZ (truck- trailer) 199 11.647 9.108 40 330 51.366 1.628 123.465 SZ (trailer –truck) 174 25.721 20.949 57 1.064 90.015 2.328 283.980 BUS 74 3.735 3.255 24 45 26.994 990 44.128 Others 5.418 19.455 2.437 1.868 50 13.768 21.548 33.415 Sum 50.096 706.284 161.404 7.833 4.031 507.933 132.932 2.210.699

2) Traffic performance and emissions: HGV-road transport

2) Traffic emissions in the german Accounts: b) air transport Domains Characteristics Indicators Passenger & freight transport national Performance in tkm*, energy consumption** and corresponding emissions CO2 etc. *10 passengers = 1 ton ** national bunkering part according to performance National totals: Tkm, PJ, CO2,… National average values: CO2/tkm, … Passenger & freight transport international outgoing Performance in tkm, energy consumption and corresponding emissions CO2 etc. Further differentiation: National part of all characteristics, i.e. tkm above domestic territory Residential air lines vs. non-residential airlines Total national totals (including national part of international flights) TKM, … Residential totals (share of residential air lines) in comparison to encompassing totals Passenger & freight transport international incoming Same as above for “outgoing”!!! Same as above!!!

2) Energy use in german traffic sectors Table: Energy consumption according various balancing concepts and types of traffic in PJ Passenger Cars LKW (HGV) –Diesel Air Traffic   Otto-Motor Diesel 2000 2009 2010 Territorial bunkering concept (Energy Balance Concept) 1.194,5 799,4 301,6 516,5 476,7 374,9 298,4 367,2 362,3 Territorial use concept 1.240,3 901,8 295,2 543,5 527,8 536,3 75,8 97,5 93,7 Residential use concept (SNA-concept) 1.245,5 930,2 296,2 548,8 436,7 423,5 314,1 353,0 357,9

3) Clarifications necessary regards obligatory NAMEA-reporting, NAMEA Handbook and national data generation In the 4th slide “necessary adjustments” are mentioned: The exclusion of “non-economic agents (nature)” (7.1.1 p.49) must be made more precise and also “…, the adjustments related to the territory-versus-residential principle (which) are primarily related to transport emissions and in some cases also to fishing.” (p. 50) Concentration on SNAP-Classification (chapter 7.2) and level of detail should be checked! Our data base utilizes a mixture of CRF-Classification and a non-standard technical oriented source classification. The chapter “Use of Air emissions Accounts” (Part C) needs considerable improvement! The additional value of AEA should be worked out more precisely with more actual and convincing examples from Eurostat and the countries

ANNEX: Brainstorming regards possible perspectives for Air Emission Accounts: --- Emissions and monetary output by economic units, --- Realtime reporting (emission flash!!!), --- Data structuring according to environmental risks (effects), --- Cooperation with national EAs, --- Consumption related emissions versus economy related emissions, --- Consideration of import/export (not only indirect emissions but also emissions related to transport

PRTR-Register: Germany: PRTR-Register European Union: EU-European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER)