Changes in Student Services


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Chancellor’s Vision for Success New initiatives designed to: Increase the number of high school students prepared for college Increase the percentage of students who earn a degree or certificate Increase the number of transfers Reduce achievement gaps Focus on key target populations Create overarching structure for funding/goals

College Promise (AB 19)- Incentives for First Time Students Encourage full time enrollment for new college students Some local flexibility as to how to use the funds Suggested use: waive fees for all fulltime students for one year not receiving BOG Other options are possible – books, transportation, childcare (EOPS model) Gavilan’s allocation is $218,083 Soft launch fall 2018

Compliance To receive funds: College must certify compliance by Sept 1, 2018, including Partner with local educational agencies on Early Commitment to College Program Improve readiness via high schools alignment Implement AB 705 Be in the process of Guided Pathways implementation

Goals Incentivize full time status and completion Ensure completion of FAFSA/Dream App Provide Federal Student Loans Require partnerships with high schools to improve readiness and create bridges Link services with Guided Pathways and other initiatives to improve completion Increase financial aid access to reduce access and achievement gaps

Health Services Vacant Health Nurse position Health Education – Diane Reid (Allied Health) Mental Health Services – Discovery Counseling Behavior Intervention Team -Report Students of Concern via Maxient Red Folder with resources and protocols Health Clerk – reduced services in Student Center (Rose Navarro) General Counseling – Crisis Counseling and referrals

SEAP- Replaces SSSP, Equity, Basic Skills Funding of the three programs consolidated into block grant 1% may be used for AB 705 implementation Focus: support Guided Pathways and eliminate achievement gaps Funds may also support Student Equity; new guidelines coming 1% may be used for Professional Development No separate allocation for noncredit 1% may be used for ESL, Basic Skills and curriculum (88815)

SSSP Old Mandates have been replaced. Remaining requirements include: Matriculation Services – Orientation, Counseling/Advising, Services Referrals Assessment through AB 705/Multiple Measures Comprehensive Ed Plans for “all” students AB 705 compliance by fall 2019

Equity Colleges must have Equity plans separate from the SEAP requirements (78220) updated every three years (due 2019-20) Similar demographic and special population focus, including new categories Specific plans and measureable goals to reduce disparities and increase student achievement Funding is not attached to the goals or activities in the specific plan

Basic Skills Funding will be eliminated over time New metrics and outcomes under AB 705

Assessment/AB 705 Implemented by fall 2019 Placement based on specific guidelines; no test instrument will be approved by CCCCO Math guidelines released July 2018 Students must complete developmental levels within one year if placed at that level Suggest 2 pathways: STEM and non-STEM Placements should be with student asset mindset Specific regulations anticipated fall 2018 Restructuring Assessment “centers” will be required as traditional assessment is eliminated

Multiple Measures High school coursework, grades, GPA ESL placement based on three year completion goal Colleges must use several measures to determine placement Students may self report high school information if transcripts are unavailable Colleges may not require students to enroll in remedial courses unless evidence exists that they are “highly unlikely to succeed”as defined by existing research metrics