The Development of Autonomy with Friends: Predictions from Relationships with Friends and Mothers Kathleen Boykin McElhaney, F. Christy McFarland & Joseph P. Allen Copies of this poster & related research will be available at: Introduction & Hypotheses Method The development of autonomy in close relationships is a key developmental task of adolescence. The development of autonomy within peer relationships has received relatively little empirical attention, despite concerns about related topics as peer pressure, leaders vs. followers, and judgment and decision-making. Research on parent-teen relationships indicates that autonomy develops best within the context of relationships that are high in support but low in psychological control. High levels of trust and low levels of psychological control and undermining of autonomy within mother-adolescent relationships will predict increasing expression of autonomy with friends. High levels of trust and low levels of pressure and undermining of autonomy within friendships will also predict increasing expression of autonomy with friends. Sample: 138 adolescents (65 male, 73 female) Procedures: Adolescents participated in revealed differences tasks with both their mother (age 13) and a same-sex friend of their choice (age 14). At age 16, they again participated in a revealed differences task with a friend. Paper and pencil questionnaires about the quality of adolescents’ relationships with friends and with their mothers were also gathered across ages. Observational Measures (Autonomy and Relatedness Coding System; Allen, 2000) Adolescents’ Expressions of Autonomy with Friends: Stating and/or explaining opinions with confidence Maternal/Friend Undermining of Autonomy: Pressuring to go along, using personal characteristics as a basis for opinions Self-Report Measures Pressure from Peers: Adolescents’ reports of concerns regarding fitting in with friends and peers. Example: “Some teens don’t usually do whatever their friends do, but other teens do usually do whatever their friends do.” (10 items) Trust of Friends: Friends’ reports of level of trust in relationship with the target teen. Examples: “My friend understands me” and “My friend listens to what I have to say” (10 item subscale, Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment/IPPA; Armsden & Greenberg, 1987) Trust of Mothers: Teens’ reports of level of trust in relationship with their mothers (10 item subscale, IPPA) Maternal Psychological Control: Teens’ reports of mothers’ psychological control and manipulation. Example: “My mother tells me all the things she has done for me” (10 item subscale, Child Report of Parenting Behavior Inventory/CRPBI; Schaefer, 1965) Results & Conclusions Table 1: Prediction from Friendship Variables Table 2: Prediction from Relationships with Mothers Table 3: Final Combined Model Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (Age 16) b Final DR2 Total R2 Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (14) .29*** .12*** Friends’ Observed Undermining of Autonomy (14) .06 .36*** Adolescents’ Experience of Peer Pressure (14) -.04 .24*** Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (Age 16) b Final DR2 Total R2 Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (14) .25*** .12*** .36*** Mothers’ Observed Undermining of Autonomy (13) -.16* Maternal Psychological Control (13) -.18* .21*** .33*** Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (Age 16) b Final DR2 Total R2 Adolescents’ Observed Expression of Autonomy with Friends (14) .27*** .12*** Mothers’ Observed Undermining of Autonomy (13) -.24** -.14 Maternal Psychological Control (13) -.22* .11** .23*** Friends’ Trust in Adolescents (14) Friends’ Trust in Adolescents (14) Adolescents’ Trust of Mothers (13) When teens have trusting friendships, and when their mothers show few behaviors undermining autonomy and are low in psychological control, they become increasingly able to confidently assert themselves during discussions with their friends from age 14 to age 16. We would like to thank the National Institute of Mental Health for funding awarded to Joseph P. Allen, Principal Investigator, (Grants #R01-MH44934, and R01-MH58066) to conduct and write-up this project.