Do the following on your warm up Excerpt from Book of Roads and Kingdoms The city of Ghana consists of two towns situated on a plain. One of these towns, which is inhabited by Muslims, is large and possesses twelve mosques, in one of which they assemble for the Friday prayer.… The king’s town is six miles distant from this one…. The king has a palace and a number of domed dwellings all surrounded with an enclosure like a city wall. Around the king’s town are domed buildings and groves and thickets [woods] where the sorcerers of these people, men in charge of the religious cult, live. In them too are their idols [statues] and the tombs of their kings. The king adorns himself.… wearing necklaces round his neck and bracelets on his forearms and he puts on a high cap decorated with gold and wrapped in a turban of fine cotton. He holds an audience in a domed pavilion around which stand ten horses covered with gold-embroidered materials… and on his right, are the sons of the vassal kings of his country, wearing splendid garments and their hair plaited with gold. Do the following on your warm up Imagine you are a historian studying Ghana. You want to design a map of the city in Ghana that is as accurate as possible. What important information can be drawn from Al-Bakri’s account?
Copy standards on next clean sheet of paper in comp book. 7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai kingdoms. 7.15 I can investigate the importance of written and oral traditions in the transmission of African history and culture. Copy standards on next clean sheet of paper in comp book.
Create a picture dictionary with the following: -Abdullah Abu-Ubuyd Al Bakri -Griots -Sundiata Keita -Mansa Musa -Sunni Ali Pg. 130 -132
Around the room questioning 1. The warrior king Sundiata Keita was an important ruler of ____. A.Egypt B.Kush C.Mali D.Ghana
3. The Berbers adopted camels as a way to travel as well as a source of A. food. C. milk. B. leather. D. water. ________ 4. What great warrior king, called “Lion Prince,” ruled Mali from 1230 to 1255? A. Mansa Musa C. Sunni Ali B. Sundiata Keita D. Timbuktu ________ 5. This African zone produces a surplus of crops. A. rain forests B. savannas C. the Mediterranean D. the Sahel
6.How did the changes brought by trade influence the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?
Governments of Ghana Mali Songhai 7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai through the development of their governments.
7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai through the development of their governments. Around the room questioning T/F ________ 7. Powerful African states such as Ghana and Mali had strong central governments. ________ 8. According to the government of Ghana, power was transferred to the king’s son. ________ 9. In Mali, only the king and his family could wear clothing that was sewn.
12.Mali had a government like that of Ghana, but on a smaller scale. 10.Rulers in African civilizations were very isolated from their subjects. A.TRUE B.FALSE 11.In Ghana, leadership was passed on to a king's ____. A.son B.wife C.sister D.nephew 12.Mali had a government like that of Ghana, but on a smaller scale. 13.Who ruled the provinces in Mali's government? A.kings B.clans C.generals D.royal officials 7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai through the development of their governments.
14. How did growth influence the development of the governments of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? 7.13 I can analyze the growth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai through the development of their governments.
Copy standard on next clean sheet of paper in comp book. 7.18 Compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam and Christianity. (C, H) I can compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam.
African Indigenous Religion 7.18 Compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam and Christianity. (C, H) I can compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam. African Indigenous Religion Before intro of Islam After intro of Islam
African Indigenous Religion 7.18 Compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam and Christianity. (C, H) I can compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam. African Indigenous Religion Before intro of Islam After intro of Islam
-The city of Timbuktu became an important center of Islamic learning. D.S.-you need plicker cards 7.18 Compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam and Christianity. (C, H) I can compare the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before and after contact with Islam. -Traditional African religions did not have the idea of a single creator god. A.TRUE B.FALSE -The city of Timbuktu became an important center of Islamic learning. -Many African rulers did not allow their people to convert to Islam. -The blending of traditional and new beliefs led to a unique form of African Islam.
Exit-Put on half sheet of paper Create 3 questions you would put on the quiz and answer them. Ask your beside partner one of your questions & record his/her answer. List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. Create a top 3 list of the most important facts of the lesson. Create one question about the lesson and ask your beside partner. Record his/her answer. 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Ask you partner the question & record his/her answer. 1-List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. 3 Words What 3 words would you use to describe the time period discussed in class today? Explain and justify your choices. Pick one