Parts of Speech Review English 10A – Chapter 12.


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Presentation transcript:

Parts of Speech Review English 10A – Chapter 12

Nouns Key Concept: Name a person, place, thing, or an idea. Examples: Common: book, coffee, tennis Proper: Tom Brady, Detroit, The Great Gatsby Compound: coffee cup, no-hitter, football

Pronouns Key Concept: Pronouns take the place of a noun or another pronoun. Jane had to break into her car because she left her keys in it.

Types of Pronouns Personal: I, me, you, yours, we, you, he, him, her, she, they, etc. (refer to a PERSON) Reflexive: myself, ourselves, herself, himself, etc. Ex. I’m not quite myself today. Possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their (refer to POSSESSIONS) Interrogative: who, whom, which, what, whose (introduces a QUESTION)

Types of Pronouns Relative: that, which, who, whom, whose (introduces a subordinate clause) Indefinite: refers to something that is not specifically named All, another, everyone, much, most, something, many, few, more, etc. (List on page 411) Practice! Pg. 411 – Exercise 3

Adjectives Key Concept: modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun. Answers: What kind? Which One? How many? How much? Examples: Spilled milk, British literature, five miles, several people, etc. May also be separated from the noun using a linking verb. That runner is fast.

Adjectives Definite article = the Indefinite articles = a, an Refers to a specific thing Indefinite articles = a, an Refers to any one thing Some words may be pronouns or adjectives Which book did you choose to read? (adjective) Which did you choose? (pronoun)

Practice Makes Perfect! Page 413 – Exercise 4 (odds only!) Page 414 – Exercise 5 (odds only!) Page 416 – Review C (ALL of them!)

Verbs Verbs express action or states of being.. I run. I swim. I am feeling sore. Verb phrases: main verb + one or more helping verb This assignment is making me cry. We should have been paying attention to the directions. We will pay closer attention from now on. Commonly used helping verbs: forms of “be”, forms of “have”, forms of “do”, and modals.

Modals Modal: helping verb that is used to express an attitude towards the action. Could Would Should Examples on page 417

Linking vs. Action Verbs Action Verb: expresses physical or mental activity. You sit there and think about what you did. Linking Verb: connects the subject to a word or group of words that describes or identifies the subject. Bacon is my favorite food. Bacon tastes like sunshine and heaven. Bacon should be everyone’s favorite food.

Practice!! Pg. 417-420: Exercises 6 and 7

Adverbs Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs Tells where, when, how, or to what extent. If a word can be moved or answers a question, it is an adverb modifying the verb. When? Where? How? Why? They use the truck occasionally. Many adverbs end in -ly

Adverbs If a word in a noun phrase cannot be paired with the noun, then that word is an adverb modifying an adjective. That turned out to be a terribly planned meeting. If the adverb modifying the verb is modified, that word is an adverb modifying an adverb. She always answers her email very promptly.

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Learning Target Check Page 425, Review D (#1-11 only!) How well can you… …identify nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs in sentences? Please rate yourself and write any questions on your paper after we have finished checking it in class 

Prepositions Show the relationship of a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition) to another word. I walked past the scary clown. I walked around the scary clown. I jumped over the scary clown. I crawled under the scary clown. I wrote a letter to the city concerning the scary clown. I would like to move beyond my fear of the scary clown. See pg 426 for more examples Compound prepositions: according to, in addition to, instead of, because of, etc See pg 427 for more examples

Prepositions vs. Adverbs Adverbs DO NOT have objects! Spiderman flew down the building with abandon. Mrs. Krabill crawled down carefully. The crowd looked above their heads to see the spectacle. Above, Mrs. Krabill was paralyzed with fear. The cat likes to climb on the counters. Mrs. Swope cooked on, despite the paw prints in the pizza dough.

Conjunctions Join words or groups of words Coordinating FANBOYS– For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So Correlative– words in between them Both…and Either…or Neither…nor Not only…but also Whether…or

Practice!! Pg 472, Exercise 14 ODDS Pg 429, Exercise 15 ODDS

Interjections Expresses emotion Has no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence Set off by an exclamation point or commas Hey! You weren’t supposed to leave yet! Yay! She got an A on the test! Ouch! That pan was hot! Well, I’m just not sure what to do.

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