It’s going to be a great year! Discipline Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, comments or concerns regarding your child. Feel free to write me a note in the communication book, e-mail, or call me. Also, be sure to check your child’s weekly newsletter on Monday’s for important events and announcements. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere and environment that is warm and loving with routine and structure where each child is valued for his/her unique attributes and is an active member of our classroom community. We look forward to a wonderful year! Mrs. Povey Ms. DeLaVega 1st Grade CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL: At the end of the school day, each child will review their daily report with the teacher. For every happy face that the student earns, they will receive a special classroom dollar. Every Friday, the children will count all of the dollars that they earned in their bank and either shop at the classroom store or save the dollars in order to buy a larger prize the following week. Children can earn "kitty coupons" for exceptional deeds in the classroom. Each coupon has a special reward written on it that the children cash in during the school day (i.e. extra time on the computer). Parents will be notified if their child has received a kitty coupon thought a paper award certificate that will be sent home in their folder. GROUP: The children also have an opportunity to earn "Fun Friday" once a week. If the whole class is following all of the classroom rules and doing a really great job, they will earn a letter to spell out "F-U-N F-R-I-D-A-Y." If they earn all of the letters by Friday afternoon, they will have a longer snack period, in which different toys and games will be made available for the children to use in the classroom. Mrs. Povey 631-912-2190 (631) 912-2190 It’s going to be a great year!
More Important Information Homework “Homework Sheets” will be sent home at the beginning of the school week. A math worksheet will be sent home on some days to reinforce the concept taught in class. The spelling activities sheet is a fun way for children to choose how they want to practice their spelling words. A show and tell handout will be sent home at the beginning of the week and is due back to class on Friday. Reading raffle tickets will also be sent home at the beginning of the week. Children will read a book at home with their parent and fill out a raffle ticket. Raffles are chosen Friday morning, and the child who “wins” will get to bring home a brand new book as a prize! Homework is an important way to be involved in your child’s learning. Please support your child in doing the work but don’t do it for them. You can remind your child where or how to find the answer but try not to jump in and give the answer. If your child is struggling, please write me a note and we will help them finish the assignment in school. Lunch/Snack Our lunch is from 1:00-1:50. Please make sure that your child has a lunch or lunch money for school. Snack is prior to lunch in the morning. Please send your child’s snack in a separate bag labeled with their name. Specials Schedule Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday – Friday- Drop-off and Pick Up The school day starts promptly at 9:25 a.m. If you are driving your child to school, please make sure he/she is in school by this time. Children being picked up by parents or guardians will be dismissed at 3:25 p.m. If your child usually takes the bus home and you plan to pick your child up at school; please send a note to school with your child. Report Cards/ Conferences Report cards are distributed three times during the school year. The dates of this year’s report card distribution can be found on the district calendar. Parent/Teacher Conferences are held twice each year. More information will follow. Please feel free to get in touch with me anytime to discuss concerns or answer any questions you may have. Newsletters Weekly Newsletters will be sent home which will include important information about our classroom and upcoming school events. More Important Information Secret Reader Every month we will have a secret reader (family member) come in and read a short story to the class. The children love guessing who the secret reader will be, so you will be asked to fill out three clues to help them guess during the month you are a secret reader. Please make sure you sign up if you are interested in reading a book to the class. Extra Help Extra help is offered before school weekly to students who require extra reinforcement with a concept or skill. I will send home an invitation if your child would benefit from the instruction for that week. Birthdays We love celebrating birthdays in Room 21! For birthday celebrations parents can pack a special birthday treat for their child to eat during snack time after we sing the birthday song! If your child would like to celebrate in additional ways with his/her classmates, the following items are some examples of what can be sent into school on the day of their birthday celebration: - pencils - erasers - stickers - goody bags (no candy or food items please) - simple craft ( - book donation for the classroom library A note will be sent home in your child’s folder prior to the celebration to arrange the details. Please make sure you send in enough items for the entire class to participate in the celebration. ----