Inter-service Group on Urban Development


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Presentation transcript:

Inter-service Group on Urban Development 8 June 2011 ICT for Sustainable Cities: the Green Digital Charter and other initiatives Dr. Colette Maloney – Head of Unit ICT for Sustainable Growth Directorate-General Information Society and Media European Commission

Outline Policy context Cities as digital platforms Green Digital Charter Smart sustainable cities and ICT European RTD funding opportunities in support of smart, sustainable & inclusive growth in cities

Policy Context ● In Europe 80% of the population lives in cities ● 50% of CO2 is produced in cities ● 80% of energy is consumed in cities Cities are an ideal test bed for innovative solutions addressing climate change, in particular the three 20% targets for 2020 There is an important role for ICT to play in sustainable smart cities (this is not to push/sell/advocate for technologies)

Cities as digital platforms The contribution of ICT to Sustainable Cities (1) ● ICT equipment is itself efficient ● user changing behaviour ● transparency and homogeneity on accounting and measuring ● systemic/integrated approach both on planning and operations: > Decision support systems > Simulation > Inter-domain city planning > role of ICT operators ● dematerialisation, e-commerce, e-government, video-conferencing, teleworking, etc.

Cities as digital platforms The contribution of ICT to Sustainable Cities (2) ● The enabling role of ICT Buildings: > energy management and control system > modelling and simulation > 40% of energy in Europe is consumed in buildings  ICT can help reduction close to 20% Transport: > traffic management > intermodal transport Smart Energy: > integration of renewables > smart meters (prosumers) > grid control and management > smart vehicles

Green Digital Charter An initiative of Manchester City, EUROCITIES, European Commission Launched in November 2009, to encourage cities to: (i) reduce the carbon footprint of their ICT and (ii) roll-out ICT solutions which lead to more energy efficiency in areas such buildings, transport, energy Signatory Mayors commit to: > Deploy 5 large scale projects before 2015 > Decrease ICT direct carbon footprint by 30% by 2020 > Create partnerships on ICT and energy consuming sectors by 2011 23 Signatories: Amsterdam, Belfast, Birmingham, Bologna, Bristol, Genoa, Ghent, The Hague, Helsinki, Lisbon, Malaga, Malmo, Manchester, Murcia, Nantes, Nice Cote d’Azur, Nuremberg, Reykjavik, Rijeka, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna, Zaragoza ● Support action financed by the European Commission

Smart Sustainable Cities How can a ‘smart sustainable city’ be defined? A city using ICT for new, innovative ways of increasing energy efficiency, understanding ICT as enabler across sectors, including urban planning, buildings, transport, education, waste management, water, … A city integrating state-of-the-art green technologies to create sustainability, securing high living standards, leading to CO2 neutrality, delivering efficient, cost-effective solutions A healthy, energy-efficient city using renewable resources, a pioneer in deployment of advanced smart technologies An inclusive place using innovative solutions to increase social inclusion, to combat poverty and deprivation A good place to live and work, offering the best possible quality of life, with the lowest possible use of resources A complex concept, including a broad range of issues, but having the citizen at the centre

ICT and smart sustainable cities a holistic approach is needed increasing energy efficiency should be the key objective several sectors and various trends should be considered social, environmental, structural dimensions of these trends bring challenges and offer opportunities common barriers/challenges need to be clearly identified engaging citizens is a must All these should be considered in making the right decisions ICT is key enabler in this process and it can offer a broad range of solutions

Smart City: A System of Systems Source: DETECON Consulting

ICT is making cities “smart” Smart Cities and Regions are at the core of the implementation of the European Digital Agenda The Digital Agenda for Europe and the ICT related initiatives under the EU research and innovation programmes strongly contribute to and support smart cities Smart Sustainable Cities are a fertile ground for research and innovation

Digital Agenda going local “Cities as leaders in the Digital Agenda” Revision of the Digital Agenda for Europe Making it more effective, relevant and tangible at the local level Building digital local agendas, depending on regions/local authorities needs Input from regional and local digital agendas A thorough discussion with stakeholders, including key regional/local actors

Research and development for smart sustainable cities ICT for mobility, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency: ICT for environmental management and energy efficiency, novel ICT solutions for smart electricity distribution networks ICT for a low carbon economy: ICT systems for energy efficiency, ICT for efficient water resources management, ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use, energy-positive neighbourhoods, cooperative systems for energy efficiency and sustainable mobility Public-Private Partnerships for R & D: factories of the future, energy efficient buildings, green cars,

What about the future? Draw lessons from past experience, previous and ongoing projects ICT for sustainability versus sustainable ICT ICT specific guide on energy efficiency: recommendations for local and regional authorities, wiki-type resource for communication, exchange of experience, best practices, ideas and opportunities Working with other DGs (RTD, ENER, REGIO, ENTR …) on programmes/initiatives post 2013, on research, development, innovation, competitiveness: CSF for Research and Development Smart Cities CSF for Cohesion Policy

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