I love reading, crafting, and singing at church! My name is Ashley McCormick, and I am so thrilled to be teaching 5th grade Language Arts and Reading this year! This is my 11th year teaching, and my second year at Walker! I am a PROUD PIRATE, and feel so blessed to be part of such an amazing district! I love reading, crafting, and singing at church!
My husband, Matt, and I have been married for 12 years My husband, Matt, and I have been married for 12 years. We have two incredible children. Emily is 11 and will be in 6th grade here at Walker. Ian is 5, and is starting Kindergarten at Walker this year! We built a house in Heartland, and finally got to move here in March! We love the Heartland Community!
Please find your student’s seat, and the paperwork and information that is there. Complete the checklist. Feel free to look around our classroom, and don’t forget to stop by and say hi!
8:05am – First Bell 8:15-9:00am – Enrichment 9:00-9:45am – Specials 9:45am – Restroom Break 9:50-11:30am – 1st Period 11:30-2:00pm – 2nd Period 11:58-12:28pm- Hume 2nd Period Lunch 12:28-12:43pm - Hume Recess 12:02-12:32pm - Johnson 2nd Period Lunch 12:32-12:47pm - Johnson Recess 12:06-12:36pm - McCormick 2nd Period Lunch 12:36-12:51pm - McCormick Recess 2:00-3:40pm - 3rd Period 3:40pm – Return to Homeroom for Dismissal
Students are also expected to practice math facts on a regular basis. Students will be expected to read for 20 or more minutes every day. They will be given a reading log to fill out every day. Please be sure to sign your student’s reading log! Students are also expected to practice math facts on a regular basis. Formal homework will not be sent home, however, any unfinished classwork will be sent home to be completed.
We want each student to be successful in 5th grade this year We want each student to be successful in 5th grade this year! Students will be expected to follow procedures, expectations, and to show respect for staff and students at all times. Each homeroom class will take a clip board to each class period, as well as specials. Any behavior issues will be marked by a student’s name with a tally mark. Consequences will be given as needed. Teachers will contact parents with any serious infraction, or if there is a continuous problem in class through calls, emails, or notes in planners. Feel free to contact us any time with any questions or concerns! We look forward to working with you and your student to make this a phenomenal year!
Our main modes of communication this year will be through Remind messaging, and email. Please be sure to sign up for remind by texting @b66k89f to 81010. You can receive text messages or download the app!
Dads: be on the look out for WATCH DOG information coming home, soon! Please be sure to stop by the PTO table tonight! The wonderful PTO would love to have your help! They will be able to give you any info you need to volunteer! If you would like to volunteer in our classroom, be sure to complete the PTO background check, and let me know when you are available! Dads: be on the look out for WATCH DOG information coming home, soon!
We love to celebrate birthdays in this class! Students are welcome to bring cupcakes, or any treat of their choosing for their birthday! If there is any allergy information needed, I will be sure to let parents know! You can drop the birthday treat in the office, and the staff will let us know! Thank you!
I am happy to meet with you about your child’s progress any time this year! Please let me know if you would like to schedule a conference. If there is a need, I will contact you as well. I will set aside time for parent conferences on specific days, as well. An email with a sign up form will be sent when it is time for conferences.
5th Grade students will be responsible for managing most of their supplies. I have provided a box in each locker, as well as a pencil pouch for each student. As the year progresses, we will let you know when supplies need to be replenished for your student! Please be sure to look at the checklist for tonight that details where supplies go in the classroom! I appreciate your help!
Please, no candy for snack. Snacks may NOT be shared between students. 5th grade students will be allowed to bring a snack to class. There will not be time set aside for snacks, however, snacks can be eaten as needed through out the day, as long as they do not become a distraction. We do ask that only water be brought into the classroom, as well as no messy snacks (snacks requiring spoons, snacks with messy colors like Cheetos and Takis, etc.) Please, no candy for snack. Snacks may NOT be shared between students.
Students will be taken to lunch by their 2nd Period teacher Students will be taken to lunch by their 2nd Period teacher. We will let you know as soon as the schedule is finalized, which teacher your child will be going to lunch with, and what time your child’s lunch will be.
Please feel free to ask!
Be sure to stop across the hall to meet Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Hume!