African Americans’ Civil War Testing the Bounds of Freedom: Slaves Challenging the rules Loyalty and escape Emancipation Proclamation: January 1, 1863 “Contraband” Confiscation Acts Antietam/Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation Havens and Hellholes: Contraband Camps Freedman’s Village Rehearsal for Reconstruction: Sea Islands Christian Soldiers White officers/black men 54th Massachusetts Emancipation in the Confederacy
Map of Freedman’s Village, Arlington, Va.
Illustration of Freedman’s Village
“Contrabands” in Virginia
“Song of the Contrabands”
“First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation” (1864)
Adalbert Volck, “Writing the Emancipation Proclamation”
Thomas Waterman Wood A Bit of War History: The Contraband
A Bit of War History: The Recruit
A Bit of War History: The Veteran
Fort Wagner, 1863