IS 220 Databases Fundamentals LAB 2: Oracle 10g XE Information Systems Department
Download Oracle 10g XE. Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Links For Download Database Management System: We use the Oracle 10G (or 11G) DBMS in the course. It can be used in two different ways: * At the University Labs: your tutor will help logging in * At your home: Oracle DB 10G Express Edition (XE): (Download) you can try this link if the previous one did not work :Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Oracle® Database Express Edition Installation Guide 02/b25143/toc.htm Information Systems Department 12-Nov-18
Explaining of oracle SQL environment Click start-->programs-->Oracle -->SQLplus, (SQLPLUS log on window appears). Connect as user SYSTEM. if you use oracle express edition go to SQL PLUS COMMAND and issue Connect system; and password ??????????( enter the password that you choose during instillation
Online Practice :which is a tool for easy online testing and sharing database problems and their solution. It allows you to select a database, build a schema, populate the schema and run queries. but please make sure to choose Oracle 11g from the drop-down menu as shown in the website, because in the labs we’re only using Oracle. After pasting/writing the table creation and insertion on the Left side box, click on Build Schema. If there were any errors it would show below or if there weren’t any mistakes it would say Schema Ready as shown in the image above. You can write the queries on the Right side box, and click Run SQL and the result would be shown below